Fin Pockets for a Boat

Boat decks have a tendency to get clutter very quickly. Having a designated place for items that get used often is key to keep the deck clear of obstacles. It is even better when the storage is located out of the way. Fins use a lot of space when left on the deck but they almost disappear when placed inside these pockets.

The main material I used was mesh fabric, bias binding trim, sewing supplies, and a way to attach the pocket to the desired location on the boat. For my location the twist fasteners are ideal because the pockets can be fully removed if needed.
Any fabric can be used, I've seen stand alone pockets made of vinyl. I wanted a material that would hold the fins but let the water drain.
Where & How Big?

Depending on the use, fin sizes can vary greatly. Freediving fins tend to be very long.
Measure and try to visualize where will it fit properly, is it blocking the view? will the fin have enough space there without being crushed?
Testing & Sewing

After the location has been defined, now is time to decide how many pockets are needed, For me 2 pairs of fins was ideal. From there use the fin to mark the mesh.
My fins were so long I wanted to make sure I didn't cut the mesh wrong, so I used a smaller section of mesh as practice so I can see how much material I needed on the folds.
I used one solid rectangle as the base that would be attached to the bulkhead of the boat, and a top rectangle that would be shorter but wider. That top panel would be folded at the base to create space
I used pins to create the full pocket and checked how the fins fit inside before starting to sew the2 panels together. Had to adjust a couple of times before getting it just right.
After checking that everything works, proceed to sewing both panels and then for a durable (and better looking) finish add binding to the edges and the fasteners.
Alternative Attachment

Twist fasteners may not be feasible to many boats, a 1inch webbing with clips attached to the top corners can be an excellent alternative.