Filtered Used Cooking Oil
Here, you can see how to filter used cooking oil in your home, using only a plastic bottle and a piece of cloth. No chemicals, no mechanical means.
You can use this type of oil in making firelighters, as a fuel for a fire and more. The important thing is that you spend no money to buy it. You just use something that would go to waste, again!
Try it!
Plastic Bottle
To fliter used cooking oil, first you will need a plastic bottle. I use a water bottle.
Cutting the Bottle
Cut the bottle in half
Making a Funnel
Place the upper part on lower part, as shown in the picture. This way, you have a funnel on the other half of the bottle.
Piece of Cloth
Take a piece of cloth, big enough to fit into the funnel. Better fold it in half.
The Cloth in the Funnel
Put the cloth in the upper part of the bottle, as shown in the picture.
Used Cooking Oil
Take used cooking oil, that you have collected.
Flitering the Oil
Pour some used cooking oil in the bottle. The cloth will catch any impurities, such as grease or burnt pieces of food and so, "clean" oil will flow. Later, you can wash the cloth and have it ready for the next time.
I haven't any picture of the oil after it has been filtered for two reasons: First, I forgot to take a picture of it and second, filtering used cooking oil with this method doesn't change the oil itself. It just removes grease and small pieces of food. The color is the same. (This picture is also the same with the one in "Step" 6!)
Try this at home. It's so easy.
You can also watch it in a video form on Dailymotion: