Filled Easter-Eggs

Hello again, Easterbunnies of the world!
Today I want to show you, how to make your own filled chocolate eggs!
What You Need

You will need an egg-shaped cake-pan, preferably silicone. I only have a tin-one. It works too, but it's far easier if you have one made from silicone.
The rest is easy. One chocolate-bar of your favourite brand (not filled), milk, white or dark. Things to fill your egg with, and if you like, something colourful to make your egg more interesting.
Bakingspray is only needed for tin-pans.
I also use a food-dispenser to shred my chocolate, but you can use a knife, or simply break the chocolate into pieces. The melting just takes a bit longer with bigger pieces.
Melt the Chocolate

Be careful! You do not want to overheat your chocolate, or it won't get firm again.
Here is my personal way of tempering chocolate. (I have an instructable for it too...)
Crush your chocolate (with the food dispenser, with a knife, or just break it into pieces).
Fill it in a freezer-save plastic bag.
Close it tight, so no water can enter.
Fill a bowl with hot water (not cooking, but as hot as it comes from your tab) and place the bag into the bowl.
Let it sit until it starts melting.
Massage the bag to get rid of lumps.
And here you go: perfectly molten chocolate.
Optional: Add Colour

This step is completely optional, especially if you are using a silicone pan.
Spray your pan with baking-spray.
Add your colourful stuff... I used nonpareilles.
The Chocolate

Cut off a tip of your bag with the molten chocolate.
Fill molten chocolate into each mould.
If you have colour-stuff in it, the chocolate will mix with it and take it in.
Make Egg-shells

With a spoon spread the chocolate in the mould.
Make it as even as you can.
Make sure you have plenty at the edges.
Put the pan into the freezer.
Get Them Out

Once they are frozen solid, take the pan out of the freezer.
Remove the shells from your pan.
If you have a silicone-mould, you can simply press them out like ice-cubes.
If you have a solid pan, you will have to knock them out by turning your pan upside down and bang it against the working-surface, until the shells hop out. This works best when the shells are really, really frozen.
Prepare your fillings.
Melting the Edges

Take a pot, fill some water in it and heat it up.
Take a flat, metal object, like another pot you can place upside down, or if you are lucky enough to have a cake-lever like I do, use it.
Place half of your shells onto the metal surface, upside down and let them melt a bit, so that the edges are even.
Pull them down from your metal surface and place them somewhere, where they can't roll over, but you can also take them out easily again.
I used my pan and planted the eggs tip to round side, so they would not slide back into their moulds.
Fill and Close Up

Now fill your egg halves with your fillings, as far as you can and want.
Take the left over shells, level them as well, and quickly put them on the filled halves. Make sure the edges meet. Let them sit until firm!
Pack and Give

Once the eggs are all set and firm you can pack them nicely.
I used small plastic-bags, filled in some mini-smarties, so they would stand and put the egg on top.
Then I tied it with a bow, and voilĂ ! Ready to give away for easter!
I hope you like it!
If you do, please vote for me in the Egg-challenge!
And stay tuned. I have more projects in mind!