Fidget Spinning Robot

by Nikus in Circuits > Arduino

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Fidget Spinning Robot


Everyone know what is a fidget spinner. A lot of you might have one. I also have one and I spined for some time. But now I get bored of it and I thought that I can make a robot that will spin it for me. You can ask why? Because I can, spinners are very popular right now and I was really suprised that nobody made a fidget spinner robot. I wanted to make it a little bit like Simone Giertz so it should be more funny than usefull and I hope it is. If you also want to have a robot that will spin a spinner for you follow me!

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What You Will Need?


First and most important thing is spinner itself. You can buy it everywhere, I heard that they sell it even in school shops. If you want one really cheap here you have it:

2 servo motors, the most popular cheap micro servos:

Arduino no matter which one (I used fake UNO with additional pins to connect servos):

Some small parts: M10 Screw with 2 nuts and 2 washers, two 3D printed elements, very small one printing time about 30 min, two M2 screw, two zip ties.

3D Printing

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You have to print just 2 elements, total printing time is about 30 minutes. They are very small and if you haven't access to 3D printer you can try to cut it out of wood or plastic. Color and material doesn't matter here I used blue PLA because it matches my spinner.

Cutting, Drilling, Milling...

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You have to cut a piece of wood for the size that you need to fit on it your spinner and servos (you can also put an arduino on it but it is not necessary). The first and biggest hole that you have to drill is for M10 screw to hold a spinner. You have to make it a little bit bigger on the bottom to hide a head of screw. Next 2 holes that you have to drill are for zip tie to fix servo to the base. There is also one element to mill with a dremel, it is a long hole on the bottom of wooden base, we need it to hide a zip tie that will hold a servo. Everything is showed on the video in introduction so if you don't know how to make something check it out.



Whole assembling process is showed on the video in the introduction so if you want to follow it, just do it. If you prefer reading my bad english explonation on how to make it here it is.

You can begin with puting M10 screw in the hole that we had drilled moment before. Tighten it with a nut then put a washer on it, your fidget spinner without a caps (this little buttons that you hold spinner with) and again washer and nut. Arm that will spin our spinner is made out of 2 servos with two 3D printed elements. You have to fix bigger element to the servo on the bottom wih M2 screw and then to the top of it second servo with zip tie. To the servo on the top we also have to fix a smaller 3D print with M2 screw. Than this arm has to be fixed to the base with a zip tie. And that's all. Hope you understand if not check out video and photos or ask in the comments.

Arduino Program


It is not a super advanced program it's not even advanced, it is extremly simple that I don't even add comments to it. It just moves a servo back and forward. I hope everyone will understand how it works, if you have any questions I am here to help you so just ask in the comments. You don't need any additional libraries.

<p>#include <servo.h><br></servo.h></p><p>Servo arm1;
Servo arm2;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
}</p><p>void loop() {
for(int i = 0; i < 180; i++){




We just have to connect 2 servos to arduino. If you have arduino version with this connectors for servo you have no problem. If you haven't it just connect servos VCC to 5V and servos GND to arduino GND and signal to pin 3 and 5.



And this is the result of our build, INFINITY SPINNING FOREVER! You don't need to waste your time on spinning a fidget spinner because you have a robot that will do this for you. Isn't it perfect? YES IT IS! What I need more in my life than fidget spinning robot? Let me guess, NOTHING!

That's new most useless thing I have ever done and I am proud of it. I hope you also like my idea if so don't forget to heart it, comment, like my Facebook fanpage and subscribe to my youtube channel.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!