Fiberglass Coat Hangers

I never seem to have enough hangers and the cardboard tube that some are made with won't hold up to some of my heavy coats. I didn't have any money for stronger hangers, but what I have plenty of is fiberglass tent pole that I found in a dumpster.
Gather Materials

All that is needed is a hanger of the card board tube variety, a fiber glass pole, a hack saw, pliers, and sandpaper.

Pull the card board off the hanger. This shouldn't be too hard.

Compare the pole to the hanger frame to see where to cut it. This pole has a bungee cord in it that I wanted to save so I use my hacksaw to cut around it. After the pole is cut it"s ends should be sanded to prevent splinters.

Straighten out the exposed wire ends of the hanger and insert them into either side of the pole.