Faux Dart the Demodog
- Faux Dart the Demodog
- Duct Tape
- Big cardboard box
- Hot Glue
- Scissors
Step One: Start by drawing out half of the face and the small top of the face. The top part is 3 ½ in. wide and 8 1/2in long. The bottom 3 in wide and 6 ½ in long. And the small top middle is 2 in wide and 3 in long.
Step Two:
Cut those out and trace only the top and the bottom pieces, but not the small top middle.
Step Three:
Once you have two bottom pieces, two top pieces and one small top piece, lay them in a together so that all the corners match.
Step Four:
Trace a circle in the middle of the face. Use your duct tape to make a perfect circle. Then cut out. Bend the circle and face pieces, so they make a bowl shape.
Step Five:
Duct Tape the face parts to the circle to create the whole face.
Step Six:
Make a rectangle that is 10in wide and 13in long. Cut out and bend into a cylinder for the neck. Make the cylinder a little bit smaller than the circle of the face. Duct tape the cylinder. Use hot glue to glue the circle to the cylinder.
Step Seven: Make another rectangle that is 1 foot 4 1/2in wide and 1 foot 10 in long. Cut out and make into a cylinder, for the top of the body, big enough so that the neck can fit in the cylinder with space all around it.
Step Eight:
Duct tape the neck into the first body piece by suspending it in the air. Then duct tape all around to fill in the gaps.
Step Nine:
Tape 4 strips of duct tape together. Then stick 4 longer strips to the other side to make the small bump on the back.
Step Ten:
Duct tape step nine to the top of the first body piece, making it like a tunnel. Duct tape the ends shut.
Step Eleven:
Cut out a rectangle that is 1 foot 10 in long and 7 in wide. Make it into a circle so that it fits perfectly inside the first body piece. Then duct tape the middle body piece to the first piece.
Step Twelve:
Make another rectangle that is 10 in long and 8 in wide. Tape the Rectangle in a cylinder and wrap it around the the middle body piece and duct tape.
Step Thirteen:
Cut out a rectangle that is 1 foot 5 ½ in long and 8 ½ in wide. Wrap in a cylinder shape, and put it in the third body piece. When you duct tape it put it at an angle, so it makes a tail.
Step Fourteen:
Make the second rectangle for the tail at 10 in long and 6 ½ in wide. Put it in a cylinder shape and put it in the first tailpiece, then duct tape. Then make a smaller rectangle, 9 in long and 8 in wide, and do the same thing.
Step Fifteen:
Cut out a circle with a diameter of 6. Roll into a cone shape and duct tape to the end of the tail for the point.
Step Sixteen:
Make two 8in by 8in square for the top of the back leg and two 7in by 7in square for the top of the front leg. Roll the back top legs into a cylinder, then squish the top and tape shut. Repeat with the top front legs.
Step Seventeen:
Make four rectangles, 8in long and 4in wide, roll them into cylinders. With one of the cylinders, duct tape it to the bottom of the top back leg at a little more than a 90 degree angle. Then take the next cylinder and duct tape it to the other cylinder at a little more than a 90 degree angle, but facing the other direction. Then repeat for the other back leg.
Step Eighteen:
Cut out two 6 ½ in long and 3 in wide rectangle for the back feet. Roll into cylinders and put in the bottom of the legs and duct tape the end of the foot shut. Repeat on other back leg.
Step Nineteen:
Cut out six 1 ½ in by 1 ½ in squares for toes. Roll into small cylinders and then duct tape three of the toes to each foot. Use duct tape to make sharper points on the end of each toe.
Step Twenty:
Make two 8in wide and 8 ½ in long rectangle for the second part of the front leg. Roll into cylinder and duct tape to the top piece at an angle, Repeat on the other leg.
Step Twenty-One:
Make two 6 ½ in long and 5in wide rectangles for the front feet. When you roll the rectangle into a cylinder, duct tape one end shut. Cut the shut end into five parts that will be the toes. Use duct tape to make the ends sharper at the end of each front toe. Then duct tape to the end of the front foot. Repeat for other front leg.
Step Twenty-Two:
Duct tape the legs on to the body.
Step Twenty-three:
Cover the whole demodog with masking tape so that the paint will stick. (paint does not stay one duct tape). Then make a thin rod with cardboard as tall as Dart. Cover in duct tape first and attach to bottom. Then cover all the duct tape in masking tape.
Step Twenty-Four: To make the base, put the figure on a big piece of cardboard, and trace a rough outline of where the feet are. Cut out and duct tape the feet, by the toes, and the rod to the bottom. Then cover duct tape with masking tape.
Step Twenty-Five:
Use a green paint and put black into it to make darker. Then paint the demdogs whole body except the stomach and the inside of the face with the green paint. For the Face use red and add black paint to make darker and paint the inside of the face.
Step Twenty-Six:
After that dries, put a lot of black paint into the red to make a very dark red. Paint the inside of the face with the very dark red. While the paint is still drying in the face, put black paint strips and paint them into the drying paint. And when that dries paint in the teeth.
Step Twenty-Seven:
When the green paint dries, put a lot of black into the green paint to make a dark army green. Paint the body with the dark army green except for the stomach. Again when the green paint is drying add black strips and mix them into the drying paint on the body.
Step Twenty-Eight:
Paint the stomach a light peach color. And on part of that tail and part of the body use yellow paint to paint on the yellow markings on the backside of Dart.
Base Painting
Step Twenty-Nine:
Paint the base and the rod black. When it's dry Use a dark blue to paint on some of the vines from the upside down.