Fashion Buttons - Embroidery Stitches
by innovento in Craft > Fashion
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Fashion Buttons - Embroidery Stitches

Buttons have always been one of the most important player in fashion. Be it on an attire, handbags, shoes etc. It suits even its only for style. I bring you 4 nice designs of making fashionable buttons using embroidery stitches.
1. 2.5 cm big button
2. Big size needle
3. Threads (Shaded red and cream)
3. Scissors
Fashion Button - Blanket Stitch

For building this 'Blanket Stitch' button, I took a double red thread and knotted it on the ends. Then, pulled this thread along one of the four central holes (pic 2). Pulled the needle from the loop formed (pic 3). Then, I pulled the needle from the same central hole and inserted the needle through this loop (pic 4). That marks the first buttonhole stitch. In a similar fashion I continued with the first hole. This formed the quarter of the entire circle (pic 2-14). I continued stitching for all the four central holes and filled up the entire circle area (pic 1 & 14). Lastly, I tucked the thread on the back and cut it. With this the first button in ready.
Fashion Button - Satin Stitch

For this 'Satin Stitch' button, it is plain running the threads from the central hole outside and bringing it back into the same home. Completing one quarter at a time. As you can see from the steps, I completed first, second, third and the fourth quarter keeping some gap in between. This marks the completion on button 2. Lastly, I tucked the thread on the back and cut it. With this the second button in ready.
Fashion Button - Satin Stitch (Double Color)

For this 'Satin Stitch' button, it is plain running the threads from the central hole outside and bringing it back into the same home. Completing the edges of a quarter at a time with the cream color thread. Then, added red color on the left and right of the cream thread. This marks the completion on button 3. Lastly, I tucked the thread on the back and cut it. With this the second button in ready.
Fashion Button - Woven Wheel Stitch

For this 'Woven Wheel Stitch' button, I created the base just as in the button 3 with cream thread. These spokes were 8 in number. Technically, these have to be odd so that when you run the thread over, it has to be above and under each spoke. However, I chose 8 as it was a perfect symmetry with the base 4 central holes. Then, I ran over the red thread with one under and one over the spokes. Step-by-step I completed this button as seen in the image 1 & 7. This marks the completion on button 4. Lastly, I tucked both the threads on the back and cut it. With this the second button in ready.