Farmer's Ultimate Paintball !

Farmer's Ultimate Paintball has many different versions, so we will show you our most popular one.
This is Farmer's Ultimate Paintball V.2 Capture the Flag, the most popular of Farmer's Ultimate Paintball.
This game is played in a cornfield surrounded by trees, at least thats the ideal play field. You can play in an open field or a meadow, but then again, you want to be covered by something when playing, so a cornfield is ideal.
Here we go!
This picture is the ideal play field for the game, but make sure you don't play in someone else's fields, because i'm pretty sure thats illegal, yeah, so have approval or make sure that you or another player owns the property.
This is Farmer's Ultimate Paintball V.2 Capture the Flag, the most popular of Farmer's Ultimate Paintball.
This game is played in a cornfield surrounded by trees, at least thats the ideal play field. You can play in an open field or a meadow, but then again, you want to be covered by something when playing, so a cornfield is ideal.
Here we go!
This picture is the ideal play field for the game, but make sure you don't play in someone else's fields, because i'm pretty sure thats illegal, yeah, so have approval or make sure that you or another player owns the property.
What You Need:

What you need to play the game:
-30 or so people (players) of 10+ age
-1 or 2 referee's to watch the game and call out players when hit
-Paintball marker and equipment
-paintball marker
-air tank
-any additional equipment
-one flag (a rag preferably, because if you have the country flag, its gonna be kinda odd, I don't know the laws on the flag, but I don't think you can shoot it, even with a paintball gun, you could also use a bandanna)
-paintballs - the amount is up to you, and how much you want to use
-three posts - flag poles will do, or any other posts/stakes you can find, just something that can hold a bandanna/flag
-walkie talkies (will be used to communicate between players) optional
-skills!!!! not really, no experience is necessary
A cornfield or other field with or without trees surrounding it, depending on what you have, and what you like, but trees make it way more fun. Also, if there is any other obstacles like towers, or even tractors or farm equipment to hide behind in the field that would be great!!!! The way you set up the field is pretty much up to you and your players.
So lets get started!!!!
-30 or so people (players) of 10+ age
-1 or 2 referee's to watch the game and call out players when hit
-Paintball marker and equipment
-paintball marker
-air tank
-any additional equipment
-one flag (a rag preferably, because if you have the country flag, its gonna be kinda odd, I don't know the laws on the flag, but I don't think you can shoot it, even with a paintball gun, you could also use a bandanna)
-paintballs - the amount is up to you, and how much you want to use
-three posts - flag poles will do, or any other posts/stakes you can find, just something that can hold a bandanna/flag
-walkie talkies (will be used to communicate between players) optional
-skills!!!! not really, no experience is necessary
A cornfield or other field with or without trees surrounding it, depending on what you have, and what you like, but trees make it way more fun. Also, if there is any other obstacles like towers, or even tractors or farm equipment to hide behind in the field that would be great!!!! The way you set up the field is pretty much up to you and your players.
So lets get started!!!!
Field Setup!

Like I said earlier, you can pretty much setup the field however you would like, but at least three things need to be as mentioned right now:
You must have one post with the flag on it, visible in the middle of the playing field.
The other posts go at opposite sides of the field, empty.
Other obstacles can be setup in the field or around it.
You must have one post with the flag on it, visible in the middle of the playing field.
The other posts go at opposite sides of the field, empty.
Other obstacles can be setup in the field or around it.

Here's how to play:
Split the 30 or so people into two teams, make sure all the good people are NOT on the same team.
Place the flag onto the center pole.
Referee's take the opposing teams to opposite sides of the field where there pole is.
Paintballers then start shooting the opposing team attempting to get them out. In order to get someone out, you must shoot them with a paintball that breaks on them. Paint should be shown in order to get out. Paint grenades and Smoke grenades are aloud.
Walkie Talkies can be used to communicate between players, one strategy is to have the snipers spot people they can't get, and tell the ground troops to get them.
If you get "out" then walk to a designated position out of the play area where players who are hit go. This is called the "safe zone" where players can stand out of the way of paint, make sure that your mask is still on because of paintballs that may fly towards the "safe zone".
During play, the team that gets the flag from the center of the field to their opponents pole, YES, TO THEIR OPPONENTS POLE, wins! If that turns out too hard, you can change the rules to: you have to get the flag to your own pole.
You may play best out of 3, or 5, or whatever, make a tournament out of it!!!!
Have fun, and take the proper safety precautions before, during, and after play.
Split the 30 or so people into two teams, make sure all the good people are NOT on the same team.
Place the flag onto the center pole.
Referee's take the opposing teams to opposite sides of the field where there pole is.
Paintballers then start shooting the opposing team attempting to get them out. In order to get someone out, you must shoot them with a paintball that breaks on them. Paint should be shown in order to get out. Paint grenades and Smoke grenades are aloud.
Walkie Talkies can be used to communicate between players, one strategy is to have the snipers spot people they can't get, and tell the ground troops to get them.
If you get "out" then walk to a designated position out of the play area where players who are hit go. This is called the "safe zone" where players can stand out of the way of paint, make sure that your mask is still on because of paintballs that may fly towards the "safe zone".
During play, the team that gets the flag from the center of the field to their opponents pole, YES, TO THEIR OPPONENTS POLE, wins! If that turns out too hard, you can change the rules to: you have to get the flag to your own pole.
You may play best out of 3, or 5, or whatever, make a tournament out of it!!!!
Have fun, and take the proper safety precautions before, during, and after play.