Fallout: New Vegas Spore Carrier

The Fallout:NV Spore Carrier from Vault 22. My favorite design for any enemy in the game, so unique and cool!
Foam clay
Tin Foil
Dollar Store Fake Plants
Elmer's glue

I start by sculpting the armature out of tin foil. This uses less clay and will provide a much easier base for the complicated design of the Spore Carrier. Make sure to have a REFERENCE up the entire time you are sculpting. Even if you remember it clearly, getting the shape exact is incredibly important for the armature.
Sculpting the Clay

Before the clay dries you can begin to attach individual pieces like the head and limbs. Using a wet fingertip to mold the clay together firmly.
Continue bending the limbs and head to create muscle detail while it dries. It will dry in 24 hours so make the most of your time. Once the clay is dry you can begin to paint.
Painting, Then Painting Again

Start by painting a solid color base or a few varying pieces. Once the paint is dried you can go over it with another layer to cover brush strokes, or go in and complete the finer details.
Once the body is dry, place small amounts of elmer's glue where you would like any plants. Press them in loosely to keep the silhouette.