Fairy Doors


First you will need to gather the materials.
Rolling Flattening and Cutting

First you will need gold Clay to flatten out. Then you will need to cut it with a blade.

I used plastic and prints, but you may just want to make them out of a needle or something like that.
Clay Tattoo

These are things like Clay tattoos.
Metal Hearts

These are metal hearts I put on a lot of Clay things.

Roll piece of green clay then place it over your fairy door.

Take a silver piece of clay and cut it and make imprint on it.

Take a colored piece of clay draw a flower on it then put a Nother tiny piece of colored clay in the middle.

Take a silver piece of clay bend it and put a design on it.

Take a brown piece of clay and kind of shred it so it is tiny tiny pieces of brown clay then put them on your fairy door.

Shred some chalk over it then dusted off or blow it off.

Bake it at 250° for 20 minutes.