Fabric of Space

This project is all about digital illustration and graphics and trust me not only is it fun, its going to be really easy if you follow along :)
adobe photoshop
internet connection
thats it!!
Step 1:Create a New File in Photoshop

Create a file size of your choice.
I went with 1080 x1080 @300 because i wanted to post the project on Instagram .
Step 2: Add a New Layer

Add a new layer on top of the background layer .
Then, unlock the background layer and change its color to black using the fill color tool.
Step 3: Play With Colors on Layer 1

Using the brush tool put random strokes on layer 1 with black and white colour.
Step 4: Make a Wavey Pattern!

now, go to filter>liquify , set the brush size to 340 and make a random trippy pattern till you are satisfied with the result.
Step 5: Add Some Noiiiisssee!!!

Go to the blacked out layer .
Then go to filter>noise>add noise.
see the image for the exact values of the noise!
Step 6: Add Some Gaussian Blur

go to filter>blur>gaussian blur
value of blus is 0.5
yea thats it were almost there!
Step 7: Adding the Stars!

press ctrl+L to open levels menu and select the value
accordingly to the desired quantity of stars in your work!
Step 8: Adding the Nebula!

Add a new layer and fill it black.
Now , go to Filter>render>clouds (trust me).
also , make the cloud layer color dodge.
Step 9: Adding the Nebula Pt2!

now select the soft brush decrease the opacity and fill and then colour the nebulas as your preference.
Final Step !

now to give a fabric effect,
set the wave pattern layer to overlay and you are done!!
you can use this effect wherever you want!
i have shown an example above.