F450 Quadcopter Using KK 2.1.5 Easy
by teerthwarang in Circuits > Remote Control
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F450 Quadcopter Using KK 2.1.5 Easy

Hello there!
This is Teerth Warang here
Today we will be making a F450 Frame quadcopter using a KK 2.1.5 Flight Controller
Its run by a KK 2.1.5 Flight Controller and a FlySky Basic CT6B Transmitter and Reciever
The flight controller KK 2.1.5 has a display with onboard programing for around 15$
The frame costed me at 10$, all motors at 12$, All ESC at 15$, Flight controller at 15$ and the Transmitter Reciever and some accessories at around 45$
In all everything costed me around 150$
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGa2SqEpAdSb_cF9p...
Instagram: https://instagram.com/official_teerthwarang
For this you need:
DJI F450 Frame
KK 2.1.5 Flight Controller
11.1V LIPO Battery
10x4.5 Inch Propellers
Simonk 30A Electronic Speed Controller
Jumper Wires
FlySky CT6B Transmitter Reciever
Battery Strap
1000Kv Brusless Motors
KK 2.1.5 Buzzer (Optional)
T Female Battery Connecter
Soldering Gun
Ankle Key Set
Double Sided Tape
KK 2.1.5 Wiring & Propellor Setting

Reciever to Flight Controller:
· Channel 1-5 Signal to Signal of KK 2.1.5
· Channel 1 +ve to KK +ve & Channel 1 -ve to KK -ve
(Positive in the center row, negative in the last row and signal in the first row of the receiver)
Motors to Flight Controller:
· 1st Leg: Top Left
· 2nd Leg: Top Right Signal KK 2.1
· 3rd Leg: Down Right
· 4th Leg: Down Left
ESC Connections:
· Negative Row to Corresponding Wire
· Positive Row to Corresponding Wire
· Center Wire Signal
Propellor Spinning:
CW & CW Top Left and Down Right
CCW & CCW Top Right and Down left
KK 2.1.5 FC Trimming and Setup

Go to menu and Factory Reset first
Then select your drone as Quadcopter X Mode and the next verify your propellor directions
Go to menu and do ACC CALIBRATION keep your Drone on a Flat Surface
After that follow the images and change the data in your quadcopter as per it ( PI EDITOR & STICK SCALING DATA GIVEN)
Transmitter Trimming

Trim the Throttle levers and sliders as per the above images.
Then verify these settings and see that no joystick is inverted by the computer installing T6CONFIG Software.
More Programming
Verify the information
More Trimming
To make your drone stable verify the information in the file.
Use this file to get accurate information about the drone
Move the Throttle Joystick down and right or left to arm the drone
Turn the switches (A &B) up and down if its not arming.
Move the VR A Dial to max or minimum if Self Level doesn't appear
If the drone is having some issues contact me at +918262069635 or +917710771350
Email me at teerthwarang@aideav.com or at info@teerthwarang.com