Exploding Butterfly Ball

by -Emmy- in Craft > Paper

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Exploding Butterfly Ball


This is a modular origami ball that when you throw it up and the air and hit it, it looks like butterflies. It’s hard to put together at first, but the more you do it the easier. It also just looks cool standing alone. Any age can make it, and it’s very simple, you just have to concentrate when putting the pieces together. My hands are always extremely shaky, so everyone can do it.


-12 square pieces of any color paper

Folding Pieces


Do this with all 12 pieces: fold the square diagonally in half, both ways. Turn it in over, and fold it normally in half one ways. Turn it over and pinch the square in on the horizontal folds. (Look at the images for better details).

Assembling the Pieces


Putting the precise together, hard at first, it took me a long time to do it my first time. It’s hard to explain, so look at the images. When you do the second layer, use the corners and slide it into the corners in a way that is kind a lever. Like, when you slide it in, and there is on corner in front, and on behind it, put the corners you’re using to push the corners on the ball the opposite direction. When you get to the last few pieces do the same one part under one part over on the side and the top, like as on the base. Put the corners together so that there is one of ever color on the corner part. Once you’ve gotten to the last piece try to curve to edges into place, so you don’t accidentally brake appart the entire thing. Sometimes, I balance the pieces on the corners to keep it in place. You can see in the last photo what I do.



Throw the ball up in the air and hit it, it will explode apart and it looks like butterflies fluttering around. Then, assemble it again to use it again.