Evil .VBS Prank Virus (100% Safe)

by cheese125 in Circuits > Microsoft

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Evil .VBS Prank Virus (100% Safe)

download (1).png

hello today i'm showing you a vbscript prank that you can do to anyone with a computer

its 100% safe and is not harmful to your or anyone else's computer


do not attempt this prank on those prone to heart attacks

and if you are that of a douche to prank someone prone to heart attacks with a (scary) prank im not responsible

For Everyone Who Doesn't Know How to Make a .VBscript|only Works on Windows


find your note pad

easiest way is

1.right click on an empty space

2.go to NEW-text document

Step 2 |fixed the 4th Box


copy paste this code into the note pad

  • X=MsgBox("deleting system32",0+64,"windows")
    X=MsgBox("windows has finnished removing system32 ",0+64,"windows") x=msgbox("fatal error while oppening FILE NAME HERE,system32 is corrupted or missing", 0+48, "fatal error") x=msgbox("searching for backup file for system 32,allow task?", 4+16, "system 32 corrupted or missing") x=msgbox("unable to find backup files for system32,search for help online?", 3+64, "critical error") x=msgbox("failed to load internet explorer,load additional internet browsers?", 3+32, "internet explorer not responding") x=msgbox("critical error,reboot the computer?", 4+16, "error") variable=inputbox ("input password to reboot system","password","input password here") X=MsgBox("password incorrect",2+64,"password") variable=inputbox ("input password to reboot system","password","input password here") X=MsgBox("password incorrect",2+64,"password") variable=inputbox ("input password to reboot system","password","input password here") X=MsgBox("password correct",0+16,"password") X=MsgBox("failed to acces data from (c/windows/syste32/FXStemp/bootdata.dll/sys=reboot",4+16,"error") X=MsgBox("fatal memory_data error,we advise to shut down windows to prevent further damage ",0+64,"password") variable=inputbox ("contact microsoft windows support","microsoft support","input request") X=MsgBox("request has been sent to the support team,the solution(if availible)will be sent to the following email adress:'INSERT EMAIL HERE'",0+64,"microsoft windows support")

add another window if you want with the code down bellow just to tell the victim it was just a harmless prank


NOTE:you can change the error messages with the following code

X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

you can change the numbers and the message icon will change

16 = Critical Icon, 0 = only the OK button 4=yes and no

32 = Help Icon, 1=ok and cancel 5=retry and cancel

48 = Warning Icon, 2=abort,retry and ignore

64 = Information Icon 3=yes, no and cancel

Send to Someone


name it something like "game" or "fall of the scarlet fortress" so the firend thinks its some cool INdev game or something that the victim would most likely start wihout heisatation

to do this create a shortcut(use preferred method)

and change icon by going on properties

and selecting icon and picking a creative icon you found on the internet or created or found in %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll(the default icon pack you get with windows 7)

all rights to the creator of the game "don't get a virus" ,Chris Bradley

have fun!

made by cheese125