Ethernet Network Adapter Cycler to Identify Cabling and Port

by TheRadMan in Circuits > Software

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Ethernet Network Adapter Cycler to Identify Cabling and Port


Some new Equipment includes the ability to "wink" or cycle Physical Ethernet Port. This Software for Windows cycles the internal Network Adapter of a Windows Desktop or Laptop on a physical Ethernet connection. The objective and purpose of this is to toggle the network adapter DISABLE and ENABLE a few times so that a user could identify a network switch port. Although there are several software tools known as LLDP and CDP to accomplish the same objective of remotely identifying a port that a computer is connected to, not all Ethernet Switches, including Home Networking, incorporate Link Layer features.

I wrote an Ethernet Utility to disable and enable the user selected physical port over x seconds, with y seconds of disable delay and z seconds of enable delay to allow the user to select a pattern that works locally. The "LINK" indicator on either the adapter port or the Network Switch port (located at the other end of the cable) is a visual indication of which port is connected. I wrote the software using common POWERSHELL commands and then used the PS2EXE windows utility to turn the PowerShell script into a windows executable. I then found four open-source images to mash together as the ICON for the executable.


A link to the zip file containing the PS1 script, the EXE file and an Icon file will be located here:


Using just a Laptop or Desktop, the utility is invoked with user settings. By choosing and selecting the Ethernet wired physical port name, and then setting total time and short cycles of 2 to 5 seconds for cycle delay times, the USER is then free to walk over to the switch and examine which port goes DOWN and UP using just the LINK and ACT indicators on the Network Switch.

There are LAN Testers such as LanScout© that are capable of connecting to a wall jack to accomplish the same test, at an expensive price. Home users often do not have access to these tools. An older Link Handheld tester had this "winking" identifier feature, and I based this script upon that concept.

There are LLDP free utilities if the (expensive) Network Switch includes Link Layer Description Protocol, or Cisco Description Protocol.


This PowerShell Script must be used with execution rights enabled and in windows Administrator Mode, but I compiled the EXE file to enable both during the execution of the Utility.

The script seeks all the local adapter names (as the user can change those names) and then asks the user to select one. Normally this is ETHERNET or something similar. Then the utility prompts for overall time to run, defaulting to 60 seconds. This will give the user time to walk over to the Network Switch. The next prompt is for the DISABLE or OFF time delay, normally about 2 seconds or more. The last prompt asks for the ENABLE delay , normally 2-5 seconds. Network adapter reaction to disable/enable result in different times and the user can compensate for these times.

The script then indicates the cycle steps until the overall time is expired and then leaves the adapter as ENABLED.

The result of the script is both the ACT and LINK indicator LEDs "wink" OFF and then ON in a pattern that can be visually identified back at the switch.

JohnnyCantTube/NICrecycler: Windows Utility to cycle enable/disable Physical Network Ports (

Repository contains simplistic tested .PS1 PowerShell script, program in EXE format for Windows computers, and an icon .ICO image file desktop cosmetic shortcut use.


This is an easy to use Utility that I could not find on the Internet. This utility uses existing Hardware, and is meant for use with connected, functioning Physical connections.