Ephemeral Nature Art - Dark Side of the Moon
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Ephemeral Nature Art - Dark Side of the Moon
I love Pink Floyd. I love nature. I put these two loves together to create an ephemeral nature homage to one of the greatest bands.

Natural materials representing a range of colors.
Basic Shape

I began by forming a triangle out of three small sticks. I did this on my driveway with the intention of wetting the pavement to achieve a light/dark contrast.
Experiment With Water

I brushed water onto the pavement outside of the triangle, but soon learned that the water will continue to seep beyond where I paint it. The dark wet area began to creep inside of the shape.
Layer Colours

While I let the pavement dry, I began to position the various flowers that I had collected. On the rainbow side, I had to overlap the petals to make the stripes appear thinner.
Apply Water Carefully

Working from the outside in, I began to apply water, broadly at first but slowing down as I approached the triangle. I watched the water slowly seep inward, applying a bit more in some places as needed, and when the moment was right, I snapped the picture. This could have been the end of the project, but I chose to continue exploring.
Place Twigs

I collected a lot of thin twigs and broke them into short straight pieces, then placed them directionally around the image to form a more interesting background. I dabbed water carefully into the triangle and took another photo at the moment when the water met the edge of the shape. Again, this could have been the end, but I decided to keep going.

I collected some more natural elements and arranged them on top of the twigs to add more visual interest. By the time I had everything in position the pavement had dried, so I once again dabbed water into the triangle before snapping the final photo.