hello everybody,
please suppport & share our mission; igg.me/at/smartplants
envloysis is an online updating environment analysis "bug". this tiny mobile device connects to the WiFi network and uploads sensor data to the cloud and graphs your data, also tweets you when something is wrong. it is also solder free to build. no prior electrical/programming experience is required. cost is ~17$
it can be built with raw analog sensors such as, LDR photocell (light sensor), NTC thermisor (temperature), soil probes (plant water level), humidity sensor, flame module etc. basically anything that you can connect to a microcontroller. you can create almost anything wifi using these simple components; a door alarm, a sun tracker, thermometer, possibilities are endless.
I work at a restaurant. We have 6 fridges and 1 large freezer. the owner of the business asked me if it was possible to record/upload sensor data. this is where the idea came about. it is still in progress and open for upgrades (especially battery), but we can now collect data that we've never seen before.
envolysis can be used as a simple cost-analysis device for restaurants and other business alike, or for anyone who wishes to monitor their home wirelessly. - i am also developing this system for plant monitoring.
wifi module ( also need a UART to set up the wifi module for first time use )
sensors (water, light, temperature, humidity, fire... )
Thingspeak Setup
1. go to https://thingspeak.com/users/sign_up & fill out the form to create an account
2. once the account is created, the page will change to your channels, click "new channel"
3. change the channel name and type in the fields that you want to record (temperature, light, humidity etc.) - save channel
4. click to "API Keys" tab and copy your write API key, this will be inserted into the code.
we are now ready to upload and capture data to our online channel where it will be graphed automatically and can be downloaded later on in excel format.
after you have created your channel you can also set e-mail alerts where the web page will automatically tweet "alarms"
5. go to https://twitter.com/ and create an account
6. go to https://thingspeak.com/apps/reacts and create a "new react"
7. name your react and change the alarm values, choose thing tweet as your action and add a twitter account (link your accounts). condition type: numeric, test frequency: on data insertion etc.. for more help: https://thingspeak.com/docs/thingtweet
8. once your react is saved and your twitter account is linked everything should be working, and you should be getting the alarms on your twitter channel/phone.
Set Up Wifi + Upload Code
the wifi module is very simple to set up, even for a true beginner like me. there are many great articles on this module and how to set it up. I will let other great authors do the explaining on how to do this step. please ask me any specific question you may run into.
1. https://www.instructables.com/id/ESP8266-mini-Tutor...
2. https://www.instructables.com/howto/ESP8266/
3. wikipedia
wifi module schematics;
GND on wifi to > GND on arduino
RX on wifi to > TX on arduino
TX on wifi to > RX on arduino
CH_PD on wifi to > 3V3 on arduino
VCC on wifi to > 3V3 on arduino
upload code;
download the code first;
-single sensor code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8bvYGugxvFFR0JPU...
-multiple sensors code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8bvYGugxvFFMjk4Q...
now connect your microcontroller to the computer and launch the arduino software.
before uploading;
make sure to change your wifi name (SSID) and password (PASS) in the code, as well as thingspeak write API key.
also make sure that the wifi module is not connected to 3V3 while uploading the code to arduino. otherwise it will not upload.
Add the Sensors + Battery
choose your sensor(s) first
I will be using light & temperature sensors for demonstration. light sensor gets a 10k ohm resistor and the temperature sensor gets a 10ohm resistor. match the resistor color codes.
single sensor connection;
connect either leg of the sensor to 3V3
connect the other leg of the sensor to A0
connect either leg of the corresponding resistor to A0
connect the other leg of the resistor to GND
multiple sensors connection;
same as the single setup, just add the next sensor to 3V3 and A1/A2/A3... etc
resistors will connect the same way again, one leg to A1/A2/A3 and the other to GND
battery 9V;
positive (+) of battery to > Vin on arduino
negative (-) of battery to > GND on arduino
you can seal your device in many different things. I chose to use tupperware. a more durable and air-seal kind would also be more protected.
this device runs on a 9V battery. you can use other options such as rechargable li-ion. you can also run it on AC with an adapter, look at custom arduino parts for more information. i am currently working on a lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack. which should provide a much better mobile lifetime, i will update this post once complete.
make sure to check out my plant care instruments. I will be installing a similar system inside of plant pots and other devices.
i have to thank author diy_bloke for his help with the code (please visit his profile and check out his posts!). it was him who adjusted the code to accept regular sensors instead of modules. with his help now we can make such a device for a very low cost. also with his help i was finally able to get my smart pot system online as well.!
thank you so much for your time, please ask any questions in the comments below.
remember to subscribe for updates
love & peace,
finally got the ESP chip to work by itself, no arduino. programming the chip directly. you can connect upto 3 sensors this way :)
check these out
1. https://www.instructables.com/id/Low-cost-WIFI-temp...
2. http://homes-smart.ru/index.php/oborudovanie/bez-p...
i am currently testing battery life and working on a 3D printed magnetic case.