Endo-01 Bust From Five Nights at Freddy's Out of Cardboard
by IndigoIsTheBestCatEver in Craft > Cardboard
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Endo-01 Bust From Five Nights at Freddy's Out of Cardboard

I love making things out of cardboard. When I saw the Anything Goes Contest I instantly knew what to make. So I made the Endo-01 from FNaF out of cardboard (and a little bit of clay)! I hope you enjoy making this!
Hot Glue Gun
X-Acto Knife
Newspaper/Cardboard Paper
Elmer's White Glue
Cereal Box
Aluminum Foil
Super Sculpey
Sculpey Bake and Bond
Tacky Glue
Steel Needle
Making the Head

To start I sketched out the face shape using a pencil and ruler. Measurements are in the photo. I then cut it out with scissors and transferred it onto cardboard twice. Do NOT get rid of the face template, it will be needed again. Cut out the two pieces with either scissors or an X-Acto knife. Cut out a long strip with an end length of 2.5 inches. It needs to be long enough to wrap around the entire head. Score the cardboard at the corners. Hot glue the strip around the head, and glue the other face panel on the open side.
Making the Face Detail

Take the template you made and line out the detail under the eyes and mouth like in the photo. Cut it out and transfer onto cereal box cardboard twice, but only cut the box out of one. Glue one on each side, the one with the box cut out being the front of the face.
Making the Mouth

To make the mouth, first cut out 4 2x1 in rectangles, then cut out a long 1 cm strip that wraps around the rectangles like you did with the head. For the teeth cut out a 1.5x9 cm piece of cereal box, an cut into squares and glue around the mouth as shown. Then glue one jaw one the bottom and one at the base of the slant detail.
Making the Eyes

To make the eyes, make a base out of foil, cover in bake and bond, and then clay. Bake, and then paint, but don't attach to the face yet. (I forgot to take more pictures, sorry)
Finishing Details

Cut out 7 small rectangles and glue on the sides of the head as shown. Cut 5 more and glue next to mouth as shown.
Cut 4 more for the sides of the jaw area. Cut larger squares for the wire connections and glue as shown. Cut out two 3.5x6 in pieces with the corrugations running vertically as shown. Smash the corrugations to curve and roll into a tube. curve and trim, then glue in place. To make the hook over the eye, cut a 1 3/4x1 in piece and glue over right panel. cut out two loops and glue them together and onto the piece. Glue the eyes onto the head as shown. For the eyelids, cut of the side of a cereal box and cut in half long ways. glue around the eyes as shown.
Time for the Neck


cut two 4x3 inch rectangles and smash corrugations. coat inside with tacky glue and roll it up. cut a long 1x7 inch strip and smash corrugations. wrap around tubes as shown. glue onto the bottom of the head. at this point you should have a tiny man with his hands on his hips. for the shoulder piece make a rolled tube with 1 5 1/2x9 1/2 piece (i didnt use tacky glue this time, I sealed the end with hot glue. glue the bar onto the head as shown. take a steel needle and poke two holes into the bar as shown. make two rolled tubes with 4 1/2x2 1/2 pieces. trim the rolls to glue into place as shown
Papier Mache (optional)

this step is optional, if you don't want to wait for the papier mache to dry, or don't have everything, or you just don't want to do it, skip the step. apply masking tape over the eyes. mix 1 parts glue 2 part water. soak thin strips of newspaper in the liquid, use your fingers to remove excess, and apply over entire bust. use a tool of your choice to get all the details in. try not to put any over the eyes. when dry remove masking tape.

paint eyelids and shapes behind eyes black. paint the teeth white. paint everything else (except the eyes) silver. You're done!