Elecctronic Ballast As Flyback Driver Part 2 Output of 200kv

by ssparking rajesh in Circuits > Soldering

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Elecctronic Ballast As Flyback Driver Part 2 Output of 200kv

Hi,you all have gone through different types of flyback driver like zvs,transistor driven etc.But i will tell you most easiest and cheapiest one and most powerfull one.In my first part i disscussed how to get output upto 100kv. Now,in this part I will discuss how too get 200kv and spark upto 8 inches.


Now find the feedback coiling in the flyback transformer and join the remaining two wires to it.that's all you will get massive sparks upto 8 inches and output voltage of 200kv.But don't dare to touch the hv red wire it will be more dangerous than before bacause your body is in contact with earth.you will get it here https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-find-the-primary-and-the-secondary-coils-of/ finding feedback is just like finding primary coil 

Yov can connect a pc fan in electronic ballast as it will get too hot and ofcourse it is more powerfull than zvs driver