Elastic Band Shooter

This is a 'Elastic band shooter' Craft made buy just cardboard and hot glue.

All you need to create this is a 2 large pieces of cardboard, a hot glue gun to glue the pieces together. A marker/pencil to mark out the cuts, along with an exacto knife, and or any other cutting device.
Cutting Out the Pieces

First step is one of the most important steps, because you need to be accurate with the cuts to make sure that everything is aligned and perfectly fitted.
The first cut you do twice, and it is a 14.5cm cut across the top. 8.5cm down, 4.5cm on the bottom of the clip area. and then 1.5cm where the barrel is.
Once you cut out these two pieces. Cut out a rectangle, and make multiple till it attaches along the base like shown in the fourth photo.
Once that is done, glue the second base to it so you can not see the inside of the model.
Make the Chamber

Grab 2 straws, and attach them together with glue. After that create a arc shaped cardboard piece and glue it to the straws. Finally glue it all into the main part of the product.
Lastly Create the Barrel Cover

Get a piece of cardboard and create a barrel, 3 side rectangle. Leave the bottom open. At the end of the barrel cut one small piece of cardboard and cut a hole in the middle just big enough for the barrel to fit through. After add a bottom square just at the end to make sure it doesnt fall off during the action of clocking it back.