
by TjörvenBuyse in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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In my first year of MCT at Howest Kortrijk I was tasked with making a project 'Project One'. The porpose of this project is to combine all the things your learned that year and apply them in a real world example.

After delivering 3 possible project I thought would be good for this project the teachers recommended this because it was doable an filled al the requirements of the assignment.

So Zwaardgame came out,

It's a sword that tracks it's location, enabling you to play a game on it where you need to hold it as steady as posibble. If you hold it right it also reads the moisture level of your hands wich gives you insight in how stressed you are while playing.

So the purpose of the project is to have fun and demonstrate the possibilities. More games can ofcourse be added.



- Raspberry Pi 4 model b

- T-cobbler

- MPU6050

- MCP3008

-ME110 (moisture sensor)

-LCD screen

-Capacitive touch button

Fritzing Schema


In the pictures you can see the connections for the project.

the breadbord view is what I build at this point to test everything and read the sensors.

I later removed the T-coppler and directly connected to the Pi

Normalized Database


This is the database tructure used.

I used Mysql Workbench to make the database.

To get this database yourself you can rectreate this ERD in Workbench and then forward engineer it to get the database and create a dump file to place in your visual studio project.

Code Verwijzen Naar Code Op GITHUB of Archive File

Installing python packages

Before you can run anything, you need to install the following packages first.

- pip3 install mysql-connector-python

- pip3 install flask-socketio

- pip3 install flask-cors

-pip3 install

Enabeling interfaces

command: "sudo raspi config"


- i2C



All code was writting in visual studio code. You can find the source code below:


To read the MPU I used a library, but it's included in the source code so it shouldn't be a problem.

The Housing


The housing works but can certainly be improved upon.

I designed a very simple sword in 3d and then split it up so it was printable.

To then get the pieces back together I used holes on but side ant small cilinders with glue to hold the parts together and give some structure to it. All files are provided below, note that they are designed in 1/2 of the real size.

For some parts I had to reinforce the bond with simple rectangles of printed plastic and glue.

loaded up the sword is quite heavy and will break when not handled with care.