Egg Teller!

You will need your items to make the egg teller you will need....
Some thing to cut the paper
Water colors
And that's all!
You poke a hole with a needle in the bottom of the egg
Some thing to cut the paper
Water colors
And that's all!
You poke a hole with a needle in the bottom of the egg

Then you put all the yoke out in a bowl and you don't need the yoke but you can make the yoke to some food if you like!

Color the egg in this step if you like... Then write some thing in a rectangle paper but small like those fortune teller cookies.

Make the paper to little circles that go round and I don't know how to explain this but look at the picture. And put that paper in that hole in that egg.

Now your done so you can hide the egg or just place it in a box to give to a friend! Enjoy! Those pictures where not my by the way the person who post this picture never showed how to do this so this is how you do the egg teller and I made the named up any way!