Eduino WiFi

Eduino WiFi is a DIY Arduino UNO compatible WiFi development board based on the ESP8266EX. I have designed it to teach children soldering, electronics, programming and to build IOT enabled devices.
One design goal was to keep the board as simple as possible to solder. For absolute beginners I pre-assemble the SMT parts.
The board is supported by the ESP8266 project on github:
You can download the project files from here:
If you want to know more about my work: There is an arcticle from our local newspaper
11 digital input / output pins. All pins support interrupt, PWM, I2C one-wire (except for D0)
1 analog input (3.2V max. Input voltage)
USB B connector
Power supply socket, 6-12 V input voltage
Switching of the supply voltage via two Texas Instruments power-distribution switches (TPS2041 / TPS2051)
Current limitation for both supply voltages (USB / VIn)
Overcurrent display via two red LEDs
PIC 16F1455 as USB microcontroller with official sublicense of USB VID/PID (0x04D8/0xECC6) from Microchip
Reverse polarity protection up to 30V for VIn
Compatible with Arduino
Compatible with NodeMcu
All of the IO pins run at 3.3V and are not 5V tolerant
Solder U2: TPS 2041

Check orientation!
The gray line on the IC has to be positioned upwards, at the little yellow circle inside of the red enclosed area.
Solder U7: TPS2051

Check orientation!
The gray line on the IC has to be positioned upwards at the little yellow circle inside of the red enclosed area.
Solder U1: AMS 1117 5.0

Solder U6: AMS 1117 3.3

Solder R15: Resistor 220 KOhm

Color code is: red, red, black, orange, brown
Solder R16: Resistor 100 KOhm

Colour code is:brown, black, black, orange, brown
Solder R1, R3, R6, R8, R12, R13, R14, R17, R18: Resistor 10 KOhm

Color code: brown, black, black, red, brown
Solder R2, R4, R5, R7, R9, R10, R11: Resistor 1 KOhm

Color code:brown, black, black, brown, brown
Solder C1, C3, C5, C7, C8, C10, C12: Capacitor 100 NF

Solder D2: Diode 1N5819

Check polarity !
The gray marking has to be positioned upwards.
Solder D1: Z-Diode ZPD 5.1

Check polarity !
The black marking has to be positioned on the left side
Solder D4: Diode 1N4148

Check polarity !
The black marking hast to be positioned on the right side
Solder D3: Z-Diode ZPD 3.3

Check polarity !
The black marking has to be positioned upwards.
Solder L1: Ferrit Bead

Solder U4: IC Socket 14 Pins

Check orientation !
The notch on the socket has to match the notch as stenciled on the board.
Solder LED4 and LED5: LED 3mm Red

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder LED1 and LED2: LED 3mm Yellow

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder LED3: LED 3mm Green

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder SW1: Tact Switch 3x6

Solder T1 and T2: Transistor BC 547

The straight edge of the Transistor should match the straight edge of the stencil.
The middle pin has to be bent backwards before assembly.
Solder C4 and C6: Electrolytic Capacitor 47 UF

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned downwards (+sign on the board)
Solder C2 and C9: Electrolytic Capacitor 10 UF

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side at C2 (+sign on the board) and downwards at C9 (+sign on the board)
Solder X1: DC Power Jack

Solder X2: USB Type B Connector

Short Circuit Check

Check the bottom side for possible soldering short circuits
Power Supply Check

Connect the board with a PC or a USB charger via a USB-B cable.
The green LED should light up now.
Solder Power: Female Header 8 Pins

Short Circuit Test

Connect GND and +5V with a jumper wire cable
Then connect the board with a PC or a USB charger via a USB-B cable. The red LED on top should light up now (Overcurrent indicator)
Solder U3: ESP-12 Module

AD: Female Header 6 Pins

Solder IOL: Female Header 8 Pins

Solder IOH: Female Header 10 Pins

Solder C11: Electrolytic Capacitor 100uF

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned downwards (+sign on the board)
Mount PIC 16F1455

The IC has to be mounted carefully, with the notch in the IC matching the notch in the socket.
Boards Availablity

If anyone would like a board, it is already shared on PCBWay: