Eduino Eduardo

Eduino Eduardo is an improved DIY Arduino UNO R3 compatible development board. I have designed it to teach children soldering, electronics and programming.
If you want to know more about my work: There is an arcticle from our local newspaper
USB B connector
Power supply socket, 6-12 V input voltage
Switching of the supply voltage via two Texas Instruments power-distribution switches (TPS2041 / TPS2051)
Current limitation for both supply voltages (USB / VIn)
Overcurrent indicator via two red LEDs
PIC 16F1455 as USB microcontroller with official sublicense of USB VID/PID (0x04D8/0xF015) from Microchip
Reverse polarity protection up to 30V for VIn
Compatible with Arduino Uno R3
Solder U2: TPS 2041B

Check orientation!
The gray line on the IC has to be positioned upwards, at the little white circle inside of the red enclosed area.
Solder U7: TPS2051B

Check orientation!
The gray line on the IC has to be positioned upwards, at the little white circle inside of the red enclosed area.
Solder U1: AMS 1117 5.0

Solder U6: AMS 1117 3.3

Solder R1, R3, R8: Resistor 10 KOhm

Color code:brown, black, black, brown, brown
Solder R2, R4, R5, R6, R7, R9, R10, R11: Resistor 1 KOhm

Color code: brown, black, black, red, brown
Solder U5: IC Socket 28 Pins

Check orientation!
The notch on the socket has to match the notch as stenciled on the board.
Solder U4: IC Socket 14 Pins

Check orientation!
The notch on the socket has to match the notch as stenciled on the board.
Solder Power: Female Header 8 Pin

Solder Analog In: Female Header 6 Pin

Solder Digital: Female Header 8 Pin

Solder : Female Header 10 Pin

Solder C1, C3, C5, C7, C8, C10, C11, C12: Capacitor 100 NF

Solder LED4 and LED5: LED 3mm Red

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder LED1 and LED2: LED 3mm Yellow

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder LED3: LED 3mm Green

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side (+ sign on the board )
Solder D3: Diode 1N4148

Check polarity !
The black marking has to be positioned on the left side
Solder D2: Diode 1N5819

Check polarity !
The gray marking has to be positioned upwards.
Solder D1: Z-Diode ZPD 5.1

Check polarity !
The black marking has to be positioned on the left side
Solder C4 and C6: Electrolytic Capacitor 47 UF

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned downwards (+sign on the board)
Solder C2 and C9: Electrolytic Capacitor 10 UF

Check polarity !
The long leg has to be positioned on the left side at C2 (+sign on the board) and downwards at C9 (+sign on the board)
Solder L1, L2: Ferrite Bead

Solder: Resonator 16Mhz

Solder ICSP: Header Male 2x3

Solder X1: DC Power Jack

Solder X2: USB Type B Connector

Short Circuit Check

Check the bottom side for possible soldering short circuits
Power Supply Check

Connect the board with a PC or a USB charger via a USB-B cable.
The green LED should light up now.
Short Circuit Test

Connect GND and +5V with a jumper wire cable
Then connect the board with a PC or a USB charger via a USB-B cable. The red LED on top should light up now (Overcurrent indicator)
Mount PIC 16F1455

Check orientation !
The IC has to be mounted carefully, with the notch in the IC matching the notch in the socket.

Check orientation !
The IC has to be mounted carefully, with the notch in the IC matching the notch in the socket.
Boards Availability

If anyone would like a board, it is already shared on PCBWay: