This project is based on the idea to teach the user how a tool of physics computing works, using a virtual and a physical part to show the user the function of the respective tool. The main task for us is to make an interactive object using three sensors and actuators at least, and using a wireless connection for the virtual and physical part. We are going to make a interactive box which is going to contain the sensors that will trigger the action in processing to bring the instruction of how one of the tools on the list works, using pulsators, RFID module and gesture sensor we’ll process the responses and interactions of the user with the system; using leds, buzzers and a 8x8 matrix it will give the user the feedback of the developed activities
Step1: Assemble Materials
The material required are:
-Arduino mega
-RFID sensor
-RGB led
-8x8 matrix with MAX 7219
Step2: Set Up
You must make a row of the breadboard connected to the 5V of arduino to connect all the sensors and actuators and make them work, the picture avobe show the whole connection of the system
Step3: Assembly - RFID
Now lets connect the RFID sensor, you can put it anywhere you want in the breadboard just if the breadboard don’t have a “w” in the middle
Step4: Assembly - Buzzer
Make sure the buzzer is connected to the pin 6, with the buzzer you can change the decibels and make him sound different each time, make sure is also connected to the 5V and GND pin
Step5: Assembly - RGB Led
With the RGB led you can choose the color between green, red and blue to represent the state of the system, it´s very helpful if you want to represent something in the physical wolrd.
Make sure is connected to the R to the 7 pin and the G to the 8 pin
Step6: Assembly - 8x8 Matrix With MAX7219
The 8x8 is a wonderful tool that helps to draw something and make the experience enjoyable, you have plenty of options to draw so is up to your imagination to decide what o show. Make sure the DIN is connected to the pin 12, the CS to the pin 10 and the CLK to the pin 11
Step7: Assembly - Joystick
The joystick is a familiar tool, you use him on almost every console of video games so is a good choice to make if you wanna make the user feel comfortable with the interactive object.
Make sure the VRX is connected to the A1 port
Step8: Assembly - Button
The button is also a good alternative to improve the user experience because you can use a lot of different buttons, with other shapes, colors and size, also is considered that pushing a button release some accumulated stress. Make sure the S is connected to the pin 2
Step9: Code