Edison Head Impact System
The goal of this project was to create a device that monitors the intensity of head impacts and detects impacts that have a high likelihood of producing a concussion. In youth football, this medical device can be an additional “set of eyes” overseeing the safety of the players and notifying coaches when something’s wrong.
****************************REMEMBER TO BACKUP ORIGINAL EDISON FREQUENTLY****************************
Setup Intel Edison
Go to this Website: https://software.intel.com/en-us/get-started-ediso...
FOLLOW the instructions THOROUGHLY and complete the Installation Process/Firmware Update.
Setup the Wifi: configure_edison --wifi
Setup the Name: configure_edison --name
Setup the Password: configure_edison --password
Setup the Date:
rm /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime
ls -l /etc/localtime
Setup RTIMULib
Download RTIMULib Zip File onto Laptop: https://github.com/RTIMULib
Use SFTP to transfer the unzipped RTIMULib File into the Intel Edison's root directory.
Enter these commands to install RTIMULib's Linux system:
Create /etc/ld.so.conf and add the line: "/usr/local/lib"
Under the RTIMULib Library enter these commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
make install
Under the /Linux/RTIMULibCal Library enter these commands:
make -j4
make install
Under the /Linux/python Library enter these commands:
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
Java and Tomcat Setup
Once completing the RTIMULib Setup, download the most recent Python programs and "Players Info" Folder from the most recent Edison backup through an SFTP Session.
You have to add Java:
mkdir java
cd java
Move jdk.blah.blah.blah.tar.gz from backup to edison via SFTP Session
tar -zxvf TARNAME
Now, for the TOMCAT, here's how to download and setup the web server (starting from the root directory):
mkdir tomcat
cd tomcat
Move apache-tomcat-blah-blah.#.#.#.tar.gz (**Not exact file format) from backup to edison via SFTP Session
tar -zxvf TARNAME
cd apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M1/conf
vim tomcat-users.xml
*Delete the Comment around the Roles and add a line under the list with "roles="manager-gui"/>"
vim context.xml
*Change "" line to " privileged="true">"
cd ../bin
vim startup.sh
*Add "export JAVA_HOME=/home/root/java/"
vim shutdown.sh
*Add "export JAVA_HOME=/home/root/java/"
Now Check if the Web server can be started through "./startup.sh" and shutdown through "./shutdown.sh" under the bin folder.
**Ignore "Catalina Server may not be running" error, and try startup and shutdown a few more times...
EHIS to Executable and Auto Web Server
Creating eHIS Executable Program:
Add "#!/usr/bin/python2.7" to the top of eHISprogram.py
Then Enter Command: chmod u+x eHISprogram.py
Automating Web Server:
mkdir /etc/init.d
cd init.d
MOVE edison.sh from Backup to init.d dir via SFTP
EDIT edison.sh by Changing Locations of startup.sh and shutdown.sh
chmod 755 edison.sh
update-rc.d edison.sh defaults
Setting Up Ubidots (Cloud) Device
Enter Commands from root Directory:
cd RTIMULib-master/Linux/python/tests/OfficialSFprograms/
python eHISnewCloudSource.py
Configure Device Variables:
Sign into Account at https://ubidots.com/
Click on Sources Tab
Click on the Device
Click on the impact_Graph Variable
Copy the Variable ID
*cd RTIMULib-master/Linux/python/tests/OfficialSFprograms/
*vim eHIS.py
*PASTE the impact_Graph Variable ID under the quotations of impact_Graph = api.get_variable("")
**REPEAT for other 3 Variables
Setting and Testing TomCat Webserver
***You need the Original Edison's Most Recent Backup for this process
Steps to Install and Run Local Edison Webserver:
Through an SFTP Session, copy the Edisonwar folder and the Edisonwar.war file from backup into the /home/root/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M1/webapps directory.
Startup the Webserver
Go to the Host Manager on the browser using "rikseddy#.local:8080" and check if the EdisonWar App is listed
Access the EdisonWar App and Check Out the Impact Table...
Finally, test the Edison Head Impact System program:
***If there are "file not existing" or "directory not existing" errors, fix them by copying those files/directories from the backup into their respective directories.
Check the Local Host's Web Server:
Access the local host using "localhost:8080" on the Mac and access Player2 under the Chartwar
Check if the Impact data table has updated with the most recent data from testing the python program.