Easy Raft

by elmoenemy7 in Outside > Boats

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Easy Raft

This is a raft i built in about 3-4 hours or so. This raft is easy, fun, and affordable. I didn't have to pay any money because I already had all the stuff I need to build it. In this instructable I will teach you to build this raft.

Gather Wood

You should get about 1/2 an inch to 1 inch thick small saplingsabout ~6-10 feet tall.I cut them down with a hack saw or an axe and i cut the branches off with a pruning fork.

Build Frame

Tie three +6 feet tall sapplings and make two, then cut 6, 3 foot pices of sappling cut these to this size then after the two 6 foot tied sapplings are set. Set them 2 feet apart. After that lay out the 3 foot pices across the make supports. You can tie them or use duck tape. I used both in this case.

Add the Top

The top can be plywood or any type of wood that is 3 x 6 feet. To attach the to you need 4 bungee cords. Two medium size two small size. The two large bungees will go down the length on the bottom of the raft and hook to the other side of the top wood. Then the two small bungees go across the bottom sideways.


Get two trash bags full of soda cans, water bottles, 2 liters, milk jugs, ballons, etc. After two bags are collected duck tape the top shut. Then flip the raft over and attach the bags one in the front one in the back. To attack just use alot of duck tape.


To make the paddel cut a 5 foot sapling or less depends on how tall you are or if you will be standing or sitting. Simply tie / bungee a piece or wood to the bootom. To make the handle (opt) take a knife and cut a circular half pipe shape out of the top and get a 3 in long piece of sappling and tape it on the top. Then your ready to go raft.

Have Fun

If has trouble floating add another trash bag to the botto. Should help out.