Easy Peasy Intolerance Bread

This is a tasty and simple bread to make. That's why I gave it the name Easy Peasy Bread :)
It is optimal for people like me who struggle with histamine problems.
It is gluten free, lactose free and yeast free.
Try and enjoy it

- 250 gr. rice flour
- 50 gr. chestnut flour
- 30 gr. almond flour
- 100 gr. quinoa flakes
- 70 gr. hemp seed
- 1 bag of Winestone Baking Powder (+-20gr)
- 1 teaspoon himalaya salt
- 4 tablespoons rapeseed oil
- 500ml water without bubbles lukewarm
- a little bit of olive oil and rice flour for the baking dish
Mixing Everything


Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and knead them well with a mixer with dough hook for 2-3 minutes on a maximum speed.
The mixture is a very viscous dough.
Preparing the Baking

Grease a loaf pan with olive oil and dust with rice flour and then pour the dough into the pan with a tablespoon
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees convection or 200 grag top and bottom heat
Fill a small ovenproof bowl with cold water and place it on the lowest shelf of the oven. Place the bread mold with the mixture next to the water-filled pan.
50 Minutes Later

After 50 minutes of baking, do a knife test. If the dough still sticks to the knife when you pull it out, continue baking for another 10 minutes.
Repeat this step until no more dough sticks to the knife.
After Baking

Remove the baking form with the bread from the oven and let it cool down for about 10 minutes.
Then turn the baking pan upside down so that the bread comes out and let it cool down further. Turn the bread over when it has cooled down completely.

It tastes delicious and is good for both sweet and savory spreads and accompaniments.
I hope you like this recipe
Bon Appétit