Easy Paper Burito

Hello, today I will teach you how to make a small paper burrito!! Enjoy!!
Paper: (Clors recomended: white, brown, green, yellow/orange, red)
mod podge/liquid glue (Glue stick works too, or tape)
Step 1: the Tortilla (paper, *Colored Pencils)
(* means optional.)
Cut a circle out of paper (any size) *Draw small brown circles lightly on the circle.
Step 2: Fillings (Colored Paper)
Rip up different colors of paper and put it on the circle. roll the circle up and stick the bottoms todether by pushing them and folding the like a burito bottom.
Step 3: Gluing/taping (glue/mod Podge/ Tape)
Push the colored parts of the paper burito and remove the extra paper to make a burito filling texture. aply glu/MP/tape around the entire burito.
Step 4: Final Step (foil)

Aply foil around the bottom of the buritto. congrats, its finished!