Easy Paper Basket
Hi everyone! This Instructable tells you how to make an easy DIY paper basket that you can actually put things in.
You will need:
-3 medium sheets of construction paper or cardstock
From one of the sheets, measure and cut out 8 strips of paper 3 centimeters wide and 30 cm. long.
...and More Cutting...
From the other sheet, measure and cut out 4 strips of paper 3x42 cm.(3 cm. wide, 42 cm. long.)
If they are not long enough, tape them together.
...and More Cutting.
From the third sheet, measure and cut out 3 strips of paper 3x72 cm. If they are not long enough, tape them together.
Place the 4 long strips next to each other and start pleating the 8 strips through them. Continue doing that until you have did it with all 8 of them.
Push all the strips as close to each other as possible and even them out.
Fold the edges up at a right angle on all 4 sides. I only pictured three...
Get those long strips of paper and start pleating them through the outside edge of the basket. You're almost done!
Make a cut at all 4 corners.
Fold the edges down. YOU ARE DONE!!!