Easy Extended Bike Lock That Locks the Frame, BOTH Wheels, and Helmet - Under $20!

by thehalfnakedchef in Outside > Bikes

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Easy Extended Bike Lock That Locks the Frame, BOTH Wheels, and Helmet - Under $20!


This is how to make a really easy, and cheap, bike lock >$20.

None of the store bought ones that I ever had was able to easily, or even at all, be able to rope in both wheels, the frame of the bike, and my helmet. This one can, and it's super easy to make!

I even have enough rope to look it around lampposts and most trees. This is great because many times stores either don't have racks to lock your bike up, or they don't have anything to lock the "U" shaped locks to. This works well because there is always a tree or streetlamp to tie off too, and you don't have to worry about getting your frame, wheels, or helmet stolen!



  • STEEL CABLE (coated or uncoated) - Approximately 15 feet. I used 1/8 inch
  • ALUMINUM CRIMPING SLEEVES. - just make sure that the crimping sleeves are the same size as the cable you're crimping
  • NOTE - the link to the steel cable on amazon above contains all of these parts and is cheaper than purchasing them at a local hardware store.
  • A LOCK - I prefer an alphabet lock, but any master combo or key lock will work
  • CRIMPERS (preferred) or Pliers / hammer - i like these crimpers but you need a hammer or other heavy object to hit them with.
  • NOTE: If you're using Pliers or a hammer, you will need a hard and sharp object to hit against the crimping tool, and something hard to hit against, scrap wood / rock / concrete. I personally used a chisel and hammer to crimp this, but given the option, would have used crimpers. I was only going to use them this once and had a hammer laying around my workshop. To make this cheaper, just get the steel cable set and the lock, forgo the crimpers. If you have a slightly higher budget, then they help on a few projects.
  • A HACKSAW or BOLT CUTTERS- or something else to cut the cable with

Amazon Affiliate Disclaimer:

These products are actual products that I've used and I like. However, I am an amazon affiliate and I do earn a small commission from the products sold. This does not affect their use in any way. I have personally used all these products and bought them myself. Please note that, of course, you can get products from where ever you choose, but I find it easier to order online for my projects. Thank you for supporting me!

Measure and Cut the Cable

Measure the amount of cable that you will need.

I used about 15 feet. Remember that you want to be able to put it around the frame, the object your tying to, both tires, and still have space to look your helmet in there. You will loose about a foot total from the ends when crimping the loops, so remember to account for that.

Cut your cable accordingly.

Make the Loop

cable, thimble and crimp.png

Take your cable end and thread it through one side of a crimping sleeve, then around a thimble (which I didn't have when I made this originally).

Go around the thimble, then back into the crimping sleeve.

You want the tail to be about 1-2 inches through the sleeve.

My apologies but above image is a stock image because mine was already crimped, and the one i originally made didn't have the thimble - although I recommend using it.

Crimp It!

Crimp it! using either your crimping tool, pliers, or sharp object and a hammer, crimp the wire in place so it can't come undone. I found a piece of gravel with a bit of edge, but it in between the wires, and smacked it with the hammer. Crude, but it works, and it's cheaper if only need to do it one time.

Do the same to both ends of your wire.

Use Your New Lock


If you have the same lock that I got, then you'll need to set the combination on your lock. After that, pack it in your bag when you go biking and lock all your bike parts next stop so that your quick lock wheels, helmet or frame don't get stolen! I've used mine going to the store and back and it works well, because often the premade locks, there is nothing to lock them to.