Easy Android Bluetooth Control Car With Arduino

by noor akhunji in Circuits > Arduino

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Easy Android Bluetooth Control Car With Arduino


This is the First video of my "Arduino Projects" video series. It clearly explains to you how to make a mobile controlled Arduino 4WD robot car.

Here I used 'Arduino UNO R3' for my project and if you want to work with another type of board you may have to re-edit a little bit the given code.

For Bluetooth communication, I have used an HC-05 Bluetooth module. Every connection of the circuit configuration is clearly mentioned in the video and below.

​List of Components That I Used :-

 Arduino UNO R3

 L298N motor driver

 HC-05 Bluetooth module

 18650 chargeable battery cells (2)

 BO motors (4)

 Jumper cables : male to male & male to female

 Wheels(4)

Connections :-

Screenshot (144).png

Code :-

The Video Output :-

How to make mobile bluetooth control robot car using arduino | step by step