An elegantly simple, functional (2 compartments, credit card securing flap) and surprisingly durable wallet.
You need only 2 items - A4 sized sheet of EVA foam and glue (PVA or similar). No cutting required.
Fold #1
Fold along a line about 1/4 from the top
(I am using a sheet with pre-printed design on one side, plain on the other)
Fold it in half to create the midline crease
Fold #2
Bring in the lower corners so that they almost touch the midline just above the bottom margin
Fold #3
fold about one third from the bottom
Glue It
spread some glue inside - yellow areas shown in diagrams - second pic shows areas covered by the glue if project is opened up
Allow glue to dry
Enjoy this Do-able and Durable wallet!