ESP8266 Bread Board Testing

This instructables show how to test ESP board on bread board without soldering, especially for ESP-07 and ESP-12(E) and may be ESP-03.
ESP board most require 2 mm pitch connector but most bread board are 2.54 mm pitch, It need some tricks on connect between ESP board and bread board.

- 2 mm pitch male pin connector with 14 or more positions, e.g.
- ESP board, ESP-07 and ESP-12(E) preferred because they have pin hole on the connector
- 2 resistors for pull up and pull down resistor, it can be 1 - 12 k Ohms depends what you have in hand
Cut and Bend the Connector

cut the connector, cut 7 positions each for ESP-03 and 8 positions each for ESP-07 and ESP-12(E).
Bend and adjust the long side of connector to fit for 2.54 pitch.
Install Connector to ESP Board

Put the short side of connector to the ESP board pin holes.
Install Pull Up and Pull Down Resistor

- Install pull up resistor between EN pin and Vcc pin
- Install pull down resistor between GPIO15 pin and GND pin
You may hide the resistors under the ESP board
Install the ESP Board

Align the connector pin headers with the bread board hole and use some mild force push into it.
Label ESP Pins

Stick masking tape on both side of the bread board and label the ESP pins for easy access.
Flashing Firmware

For flashing the ESP firmware, temperately connect GPIO0 pin to GND pin. After flashing, remove it and reset.
Happy Testing!

If you play with NodeMCU and OLED display, you may try my testing init.lua