ESP32 CAM Surveillance Car

by munir03125344286 in Circuits > Arduino

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ESP32 CAM Surveillance Car


Hello friends in this Project, I will show you how to make ESP32 CAM Surveillance Car or a SPY Camera Car. Our car will create its own WiFi access point, so you can control it using a phone, tablet, or computer and you can use it anywhere, indoors or outdoors. It streams video and has some basic controls, and it would be a great project for those just getting started with electronics.


You Need:-

1. ESP 32 CAM

2. 3.7 volt battery

3. Gear Motors

4. Tyre

5. Motor Driver L298n

6. Jumper Wires

7. voltage regulator 7805

8. Power Switch

Connect Gear Motors to Motor Driver

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195211.jpg

Connect Power Switch and Batteries to Motor Driver

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195304.jpg

Connect Voltage Regulator

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195350.jpg

Connect ESP32 Cam to TTL Converter and Connect to Computer

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195452.jpg

Upload Code to ESP32 Cam

Open Serial Monitor and Note IP Address

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195544.jpg

Connect ESP32 to Motor Driver

Screenshot 2021-12-24 195620.jpg

ESP32 CAM Surveillance Car | esp32 cam robot car | esp32 cam