The egg-jet>>>Steam-racer is a little project i did at school when i was alloud into the science class.Since its been a while i thought give it another go...also i couldnt find it any on here so for those who dont know and want to see how it is really easy and affordable... the KIDS are gunna flip when they see it go mine did.
First Step .... Blowing the Egg!!!

Now you have got your kit together and are ready to go...First take the egg to the sink and pop two holes in it....I know it sounds easy but believe me if you havnt done it for a while you better take two eggs.Holes 1 and 2 go in either end PIN holes is prefferable as one will play a major part at the end of this project.

Take the wire champagne bottle cork brace and munipulate it to suit the eggs shape as this will become the holster for the EGG-JET engine...
"SECERET" BOAT (aluminium) HULL

Use the Aluminium foil to build your boat In this step we delve into the secretive world of boat /ship hull design be careful not to let anyone else steal your design...or you could steal a childs toy boat and use that......I DID!!!

When placing the EGG JET Holster it really is YOUR prefference as to what position to tape it to...(ooops!!! did i mention you need stiky tape)...and it will rely heavily on the sort of boat you biuld,use, or steal.
Preping the EGG-JET for action will take some skill and time...fill egg with as much water as possible...This can be done with many different ways i have chosen to use a ink cartridge refill syringe.Remember to leave one hole open too allow air to leave and water to enter..the triky part is to get enough water in to have a good run but not so much as to take 15 minutes to boil.

Boat built egg egg has water in it brace set bathtub full..enough...candle ready what are you wating for light it up!!! thankyou for reading and forgiving me for not building a boat out of foil...maybe update it later