EG-7 (EG-Series Power Droid)

by layrlab in Workshop > 3D Design

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EG-7 is a newer model of EG power droids used all around the galaxy. Power droids were essentially large batteries that recharged vehicles and machines and anything else that needed power. Older versions of these droids were very large and had two legs which allowed them to walk to where they were needed. They were often overlooked and not noticed by many, although, they provided an essential service to everyone in the galaxy. EG-7 is an upgraded model to make these power droids more efficient and user-friendly.

The Design:

With the advancements in technology, batteries have become much smaller in size but still maintain exceptional power output. These advancements allow EG-7 to have a smaller body overall. The shape of EG-7 is reminiscent of older EG-series and GNK-series droids with a boxy, square aesthetic. There are multiple charging ports and access panels on different sides of EG-7, a larger, upgraded vision system to allow EG-7 to maneuver around quickly, two headlamps on top for visibility in dark areas, and a vent on the back to prevent overheating. The biggest difference with EG-7 is how it gets around, swapping the slower 2-legs to a much quicker 1-wheel design. This allows the droid to get from point A to B faster, and can take on rougher terrain like gravel or sand. EG-7 has a brushed metal look in dark gray or can be painted a different color to achieve a desired look. Of course, EG-7 wouldn't be complete without the signature low honking noise to maintain it's place within the "gonk droid" family.

Designer Notes:

It was exciting to work on a project that involved my favorite thing about Star Wars, the droids. As a kid (and now adult), I admired the design and build of R2-D2 as well as all of the other droids in the galaxy which inspired me to become a maker and engineer. I remember first seeing a "gonk droid" in the original films and thought they were a bit funny looking. But the more I watched the movies, I started to really like the boxy design of them which made it really fun to point them out whenever they showed up in new movie or show. I started thinking about what an updated version of a power droid would look like and thought that the overall size would be smaller and more streamlined, and it should be able to move around quicker. I made EG-7 in Fusion and separated it into multiple components to be able to 3D print the droid. It was so much fun designing this little droid. I hope you love EG-7 as much as I do.