With basic tools and supplies you can make a simple scary bat sign
Wood board,vinyl or linoleum wood flooring with sticky backing,Black spray paint,Dark primer,Hobby paint silver, Scissors,Pen,Bat design photo copy,Routor with key hole bit, scroll saw and some spray glue
Board and Key Hole Hanger
I found a board that was the right length,about 12" long. Then used my router with the key hole bit and cut in my nail hanger.
Paint the Board
I first primed the board and then painted it black. I used too coats for primer and paint. Then while that dries move on to the next step
Transfer the Design
I cut the bat symbol out and position it on the the linoleum or vinyl flooring. Use spray adhesive to make the design tack on the fake flooring. You could also trace or draw your own design, but this worked for me
Cut and Paint
Cut out the design with scroll saw,this is very easy just go slow. Then I used black spray paint with hobby silver paint. I mixed up the colors until I was happy with the color. Then paint the bat and let dry. I picked up this saw used for $20 they are very quite and has a million uses,I recommend picking one up.
Bat Positioning
Lightly scuff with very fine sand paper,I used 2000 grit. Peel of backing of fake wood, this stuff is very sticky. I used a ruler to find the center of the board. Place bat design on your mark and rub it down gently so it sticks
Final Finish
I put two coats of clear coat about ten minutes apart. Once its completely dry sand with very fine sand paper,I used 2000 grit. However 600 or finer will do. Then do a final spray of clear again. Your sign will be very smooth to the touch. THAT'S IT and you can use these technique for many other creative designs. Thanks and remember to use safety goggles, gloves and hearing protection while using tools.