Dutch (Talking) Word Clock Arduino
by gooikerjh in Circuits > Arduino
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Dutch (Talking) Word Clock Arduino

This is a word clock. It takes time from the internet and shows time by a whole sentence in Dutch. It consist of two 64 LED matrix boards and is controlled by a Lolin Wemos D1 mini (usb B). With an optional push button, you can control brightness and color scheme. It has very little parts and the casing is 3D printed. Version 5 can also speak time and has multiple effects selected by a menu.
- 2x CJMCU 64 Bit WS2812 5050 RGB LED Driver Development Board. https://www.banggood.com/CJMCU-64-Bit-WS2812-5050-...
- 1x Geekcreit® D1 Mini V3.0.0 WIFI Internet Of Things Development Board Based ESP8266 4MB https://www.banggood.com/Geekcreit-D1-Mini-V3_0_0-...
and optional:
- 1x Push button (7 mm) https://www.tinytronics.nl/shop/en/switches/manual...
for talking:
- 1x DFPlayer mini
- 1x small speaker
3D Printing

There are multiple casings.
- a back case with and without hole for the push button
- a front case with tekst (background colored) and tekst inverse (letters colored).
All is printed with layer height 0.20 mm without support. The back case can be printed with 0.28 mm layer height also.
The front case gives best result if printed in two colors. The first 3 layers white or transparant and the remaining layers a more solid color. With a single extruder printer, as I have, you must change filament before layer 4. I used a cube08 (see photo) for color change as my printer leaves a blob witch will reuen your original print.

The wiring is very simple. See photos.
- 5V is connected to +5V of the first matrix 8*8
- GND is connected to GND of the first matrix 8*8
- D4 is connected to DIN of the first matrix 8*8
- optional D3 is connected to push button and other lead of push button is connected to ground GND
- optional D5 (14) to RX DFplayer mini
- optional D6 (12) to TX DFPlayer mini
- optional D7 (13) to busy DFplayer mini
- The Lolin Wemos D1 mini is powered (and programmed) by the usb B cable.
- The matrices are coupled OUT tot IN
Note1; the power to the LED matrix is fed from Lolin Wemos D1 mini and therefore restricted. If you are planning on very brightness and full LED animations then you should consider a separate power supply on the matrix.
Note2; The power to the DPplayer is fed from Lolin Wemos D1 mini. When D1 mini is restarting every time after talking it means there is a voltage drop and you should use a separate power supply. Mines works fine although.

The Lolin Wemos D1 mini is programmed by Arduino IDE. The programfile is included. Its is commented within the file. You can modify it, if you wish.
The words are mapped to the LED in a very basic way.
Note; if you would like to use a matrix library for your project, then you should consider rearranging the matrix in order for the line count to continue.
Have fun.