Dust Cleaning Robot

easy way to clean dust around the house
Part List
So the materials your going to need for this project is a arduino uno r3
Hot glue
A pc fan x1
Battery pack x2
Dc motors

First what your going to want to do is trace the computer fan on the cardboard make a cardboard circle and the cut out the tracing then glue the fan on the cardboard and then cut two very small rectangles on the side for the dc motors wheels and when you are done on the top glue the arduino uno beside the fan and then on the bottom glue the 2 dc motors near the small rectangles you cut out and then in the middle glue the 2 battery packs. you are done with the asembly

Once your done that connect the 5v wire on the fan to the 5v on the arduino uno and the do the same for the gnd for the dc motors do the same with the battery packs.
Note there is no code involved in this
Now it is complete have fun hope you enjoyed