Duct Tape Survival/paracord
What you'll need:
Wire cutters
Paracord(depend on size of braclet)
Duct tape
Old cheap pen(cutting it)
Fishing hooks
Fishing line
Lead weights
Make Standard Cobra Weave
to make a cobra weave use a square knot(im not going in to cobra weave there are ones for that)
Take a Strip of Duct Tape
take a strip of duct tape and then take your pen and place on pen. Then cut the ends of the pen so the pen is even to the ends of the tape.(I used the wire cutters for this)
Attaching to Braclet
I recommend sliding on before starting weave and then weave around it leaving space
Putting in Hooks and Ever Thing Else
after your first weave is done take the end of the tape and strech it out. Place hook next to the base of roll. Then roll around itself. (I used three hooks). Then measure out about 10-20ft of fishing line or howerver much you want. Then wrap around itself again. Then cut different sized or use different sized weights. Wrap again, then take another piece of tape a wrap again.
Weave Again
start weave again. Go all the way. This to cover the duct tape so the sweat doesnt make it stick to you.