Duct Tape Spartan
It is a fact, a much hidden fact, that the Spartans ruled ancient Greece with a "Duct Tape" Fist. The ancient Spartans, were masters of the Duct Tape arts, and here's how.
Making the Shield
Get a large piece of card board and cut it into a circular shape. We used a large mixing bowl.
Cover the Circular Cardboard With Duct Tape
After you have cut the cardboard into a circle, cover with Duct Tape, we used yellow to mimic bronze. Then decorate with a contrasting color of Duct Tape with a design of your choice, we used a praying mantis motif.
Creating the Helmet
Get two large pieces of paper, tape them together so they can wrap around your head.
Cut a circular top.
Tape the Paper Together and Measure Your Melon
Put the two (or three) pieces of paper around your head to make sure you have the right size.
Cover the Helment With Duct Tape
Now cut out the paper into a face mask of a Spartan helmet and cover with Duct Tape, again we used yellow to imitate bronze. For the horse hair top we used black construction paper. Now you are ready to sack Troy, or whatever the Spartans sacked.