Duct Tape Arm and Leg Weights

by thoraxe in Circuits > Apple

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Duct Tape Arm and Leg Weights

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This instructable will teach you how to make streamlined duct tape weights and fill them with lead or sand. These weights can be interchanged between arm and leg. This is my first instructable so be nice ;) Please leave comments!


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This step is the creation of the strap. Start with one strip measuring about 12 inches in length. You can always remove tape if you find this is too long. Then get another strip the same length and put it unsticky side down, with about a 1/4 of overlap. You can add more strips depending on the size of your bars or how much sand you want to put in.

Step 2

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Then put tape on the the sticky side of the sheet you just made. Now create another sheet that will be the size of your weight. this will be the outside of the pocket.

Making the Pocket

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Place the assembly upside down and fold over an tape the part that will be the bottom of the pocket. If using bars, you can tape the top also. If using sand, tape the sides first then fill it with sand. use a piece of duct tape as a strap to put it on. You're done! Enjoy!