Drop Fried Hot and Salty Donuts

by umadeshpande123 in Cooking > Breakfast

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Drop Fried Hot and Salty Donuts


Introduction: This recipe is made using a new frying technique which I call "DROP FRYING". As the name suggests, drop frying uses few drops of oil.

Comparison of different frying techniques is given below:

1) Deep Frying: It uses large quantity of oil. The batter is dipped in hot oil. As we go on frying batch after batch, oil starts to become thick and unhealthy. Also deep fried items absorb more oil as there is ample supply of oil. Deep fried items have highest amount of calories.

2) Shallow Frying: It uses moderate amount of oil. As the oil is poured in a flat pan, it spreads. Therefore all the oil poured is not utilized for frying. In this method too, the oil becomes thicker as we continue to fry. The calorie contents are moderate.

3) Drop Frying: It uses special pan called "Paniyaram Pan" or Takoyaki pan as shown in Fig. 1. It consists of semi-spherical molds. Few drops of oil are put in each mold. Then batter is added in each mold. Following are the advantages of Drop Frying:

a) Drop frying uses 80% less oil, hence less calories.

b) Uses fresh drops of oil for each batch.

c) Heat is focused on the batter inside the mold and hence uniform frying takes place.

d) Much safer as compared with deep frying as no need to handle large quantity of hot oil.

Ingredients: Following Items Are Required for Making Hot and Salty Donuts


1) All purpose flour 1 cup

2) Fresh curd/ yogurt half cup

3) 1 medium size onion finely chopped

4) 2-3 green chili finely chopped

5) Half inch ginger finely chopped

6) Coriander leaves finely chopped

7) Cumin seeds half tea spoon

8) Baking soda half tea spoon

9) Salt to taste

10) Oil for drop frying 3 to 4 tea spoon

Preparing the Batter for Donuts


To make the batter, in a bowl put all purpose flour, salt and curds. Mix well and leave it for about one hour. After one hour add chopped onions, chopped green chili, chopped ginger, chopped coriander leaves and cumin seeds. Mix well and the batter is ready.

Preheat Paniyaram Pan


Preheat Paniyaram pan, on slow heat on gas stove. Once the pan is hot, put few drops of oil in each mold of the pan.

Pour the Batter in the Molds


Take the batter and add baking soda and mix well. With the help of spoon, pour the batter in each of the molds.

Put Few Drop of Oil


Put few drops of oil on the top side of each of the donuts.

Turn Donuts Upside Down


After about 3 to 4 minutes, turn the donuts upside down.

Turn the Donuts Again


Turn the donuts again to ensure both sides are done properly.



Serve hot donuts with tomato sauce.

Theory of Drop Frying

The Paniyaram Pan or Takoyaki pan, used in the drop frying has semi-spherical molds. These molds provide following advantages:

1) Holds the few drops of oil, so that all the oil is utilized for frying, without letting it spread.

2) It holds liquid batter in place and provides proper semi-spherical shape to the item.

3) The cavity of the mold provides focused heat to the batter so that the item is fried properly.

For above reasons the Paniyaram Pan allows us to fry many items with very less oil. As low as 20% in comparison with deep frying. Also, we are always using fresh drops of oil so that the fried items are healthy. As observed during making of donuts, we can say that the drop frying is simpler, safer and healthier.

Large number of recipes can be made using Drop Frying technique. Please refer to my eBook "DROP FRIED HEALTHY SNACKS" in Amazon. It contains 27 recipes.

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