Drawings Can Show Feelings
The purpose of this project is so that you learn how to chose a song and use those feelings that you find to draw what the song means to you. (This is not a how-to draw project)
The Materials You Need:
1. Paper
2. Pencil
3. Sharpener
4. Eraser
5. Pencil colors
6. Shading materials
7. Different pencil sizes (HB, 2B,4B, 6B)
These are the basic things you should learn about what color means in a drawing.
Colors represent emotion in drawings, for example:
Red: Mad, angry, frustrated/ passion & love Orange: Energy Yellow: Happy, excited, hope Green: new beginnings, nature Blue: Trust, peace, loyalty Pink: Compassion, sweet, sincerely Purple: Royalty, ambition, luxury Brown: Dependable, simple, trustworthy Black: Formal, dramatic, security White: Clean, innocence, honest
Music & Lyrics
The song has a feeling, and that feeling should be the one you feel when you see your drawing.
Shading Examples
You can always have an outline, but to make the drawing more emotional you can add shadows and colors.
(Shading will help you to add more details to your drawing)
You can try to do this ones on your own if you want to practice
About Your Artists/song
- Have a favorite artist that you have been admiring for a long time (if you don’t have to try to find one)
- Learn and research about the artist’s past
- Have a favorite song that is by your favorite artist Even though you have heard or you know the lyrics, read them
- Try to research why that artist did that song
- Make a connection to what you have researched
- Try to be in the artist shoes so feel what he is feeling through the song
- Whatever the emotion you are feeling you will express it in a drawing
- If you don’t know how to draw, you can always use youtube and search “how to draw step by step….”
The Difference of the Pencil Sizes
The point is thicker depending on the number of the pencil.
The Shading Material
The big one for bigger shapes and the smaller one for smaller details.
Sketching Part
First: Grab your pencil HB and draw a little
Second: Grab a shading pencil and go over it
Third: Look at the result
Four: Do the same steps for the number pencils 2B, 4B, 6B
My Process
How to draw what you feel in a song
Song Part
Pick a song from your favorite artist
- Pick a song with a strong feeling
- If you don’t know, listen to his/her songs
- Read the lyrics of the song. Once you found the right song research more about it, for example:
1. Why did the artist make this song?
2. What is the background of it?
3. What is the feeling the artist is trying to demonstrate?
4. What was the purpose of this song?
Song Part
Once you found the song you want to draw:
- Try making some sketches of your own Inspire yourself
- Do many drafts of different ideas
- If you can’t draw (like me) search in youtube:
- Step by step
- How to draw …
- Beginners lesson
That helped me a lot to be able to draw.
My Personal Thought
This is the reason why I decided to do the next drawings
My Sketch
How I started