for my make it move i made a functional drawbridge with 2 led lights i can ether be hand powered or motorized
you will need 6 double a batteries, 2 3 battery holder, , 2 big sheets of cardboard, 1 paper towel tube, 1 smaller sheet of cardboard, 2 small led lights, string, plastic straws, 4 alligator wires, some motor system and glue scissors and tape.
Create the Bridge and Base

first you fold the small sheet of cardboard so it can move up and down then glue the small folded haff on to one of the big pieces of cardboard then make a small hole at the top of the bridge and glue one side of the string on it
Make a Pulling System

this is yours to choose i make mine out of my old marble tracks base and gears but you can make it how you want
The Towers

take the paper towel tube and cut it in half
The Second Bridge

take the sconed big cardboard and cut it in have then take it again and make a bridge shape the hot glule the small cutout on the bridge note in the picture i have it all ready painted.
Optional Painting

you can paint it whatever you want or you don't have to paint it
The Led Lights

make 2 holes in each tower then put the led prongs through them then take 2 of the for garter clips and attach them to the led prongs remember the longer one is positive.

take the motor system and tape the batteries and the holder on the side
Gator Clips Underneath to Look Nice

to look nice poke out 2 holes one each side in the piece of cardboard that have the drawbridge on it then put the garter clips underneath tape them to the cardboard then repeat.
The Tower Part2

take the towers and hot glue them to the cardboard
The 2nd Bridge

hot glue the 2nd bridge to the (river) and glue that to the drawbridge
Optional Accessories

the motor the magnets and the straws for gates