Polymer Clay Dragon Pendant


Make to learn youth contest questions
What did you make?
I made polymer clay dragon pendants. I used Polymer clay (Sculpey), wire, tin foil, wire cutters, tissue blade, tooth picks, an oven. I had made these a while ago and found them in my room and I thought I would make them again. I have made these for my family and friends as presents and for myself the wear as well.
How did you make it?
I got the idea for this by reading a book my mom had gotten me on how to make these. I had found the instructions difficult so I made my own way to make them. When I first made them I had my mom help me but this time I did it on my own. My ideas did not change much going through I just had new ideas for what designs to use.
Where did you make it?
I made these at home. This project connects to other parts of my life because I do lots of crafts and art anyway. Both me and my mom do crafts for fun.
What did you learn?
I did not learn much making these a second time. I learned more from making an instructable on how to make them. It made me realize how many steps there are in making such a small product. If I made these again I work try to find a way to make them stronger because I keep having the ears break off.


Ears and Position

Hands and Loop
