Dragon Claw

by Wink79 in Outside > Survival

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Dragon Claw

This style bracelet is not my own design. This design was originally created by Mathias Agnello along with many others. Thank you Trelligan for that information.

This Dragon Claw Bracelet was made for my son. With patience, it is fairly easy to make. Just take your time, and breath.


I used 2 colors for this bracelet. I don't cut my paracord to size. I use the whole cord then cut off what's not needed at the end. This saves me more cord for later use and less scraps.

Jig(if you have one, it's much easier), scissors, lighter, crochet needle(I don't have a fid yet), 3/8 buckle, sowing needle, and thread(ideally same color as your cord).

Thread the Needle

Thread the needle and tie a knot at the open end of the thread. Leave yourself a few inches at least to work with.

Combining Cords.

Pull out about an inch of the inner strands of each cord and cut them off.

With a lighter, use the blue section of the flame for a more controlled burn, and slightly melt the end of 1 of the paracords. Then quickly shape the melted part into a dome.

Take the same cord once done, and insert it into the other cord where you cut out the strands. Try to insert it the whole inch.

Using the blue part of the flame melt the end of the outer cord and smooth it along the cord that's inserted.

With your threaded needle, stitch the inch section of cord where they attached. After you first push the needle through the cord, pass the needle through the 2 threads between the knot and cord. Make as many stitches as you are comfortable with. Tie off ends when done. I also burn off the extra thread.

Preparing Buckles.

If you know your wrist size, set up your jig appropriately, and attach buckles. I attached my buckles with the top of the buckles facing up.
*If you do not have a jig, follow instructions below and it will be explained where needed.

If you are using 2 colors, you want your border color strand on the left as you lace them through the buckle.

Thread the 2 ends of paracord through the bottom side of the buckle. Pull the cord through almost all the way; leave a loop.

With the cord you just pulled through, pass it through the loop, then pull tight. If using 2 colors, make sure the combined section is about an inch from the buckle so that you can weave over it. This adds to the strength of the combined section in the end.

Now pass the ends of your cord through the bottom of the other buckle.
**If you are not using a jig, find the proper wrist size by putting on the unfinished bracelet and pull the cords snug. Then pull out a little cord for a more comfortable fit; 2 fingers between the cord and skin, keeping a snug, Not tight, fit.**

Underneath the 2 core strands tie an overhand knot(same as the first step when tying your shoes). Pull tight.

Tying the First Knot.

In the below instructions. Strand 1 will refer to the green strand in the photo. Border Strand will refer to the camo strand In the photo.

1) Pass Strand 1 between the two core strands, leaving a loop.
2) Cross the Border Strand over all the cords.
3) Pass the Border Strand through the top of the loop, then over itself and the other cords.
4) Slowly tighten the knot, keeping everything in place, and the Border Strand loop on the outside.
5) Tighten the knot, push the knot towards the buckle, tighten the knot. Repeat as needed. You want the knot to be TIGHT for a better finish in the end.

**Adjust the strands as needed while tightening so that it looks like the picture.

Tying the Second Knot.

In the below instructions. Strand 1 will refer to the green strand in the photo. Border Strand will refer to the camo strand In the photo.

1) Pass Strand 1 between the core strands leaving a loop.
2) Cross the Border Strand over a all the cords.
3) Pass the Border Strand through the top of the loop, then over all the cords.
4) Slowly tighten the knot just like last time. Make any needed adjustments to keep the Border Strand on the outside and the knot tight. Push the knot up and tighten.

**Again, the tighter the better.

Continuing Making the Knots.

In the below instructions. Strand 1 will refer to the green strand in the photo. Border Strand will refer to the camo strand In the photo.

Pass Strand 1 between the two core strands, leaving a loop.
Cross the Border Strand over all the cords.
Pass the Border Strand through the top of the loop, then over itself and the other cords.
Slowly tighten the knot, keeping everything in place, and the Border Strand loop on the outside.
Tighten the knot, push the knot towards the buckle, tighten the knot.

**Make each knot tight and neat for a better look in the end.

Almost Finished

There are different tools used for this part. I use a crochet needle. I pass it between the core strands from the bottom, and pull Strand 1 through.

If you have a fid it would be much easier.

Needle nose pliers are also good.

I personally like making this bracelet tight and fit in as many knots as I am able to.

Tying Up Loose Ends

Personally I do not like burning the ends of the cord, but I make this bracelet very tight and I'm not able to tuck in 1/2 to 3/4 inch of cord into the weaves.

Cut off any excess cord, leaving at least a centimeter of cord sticking out.
Using your lighter melt the end of Strand 1 with the blue section of the flame for a smoother burn. Then use the metal guard of the lighter to 'pancake' the melted section of the cord. This 'pancaked' piece stops the cord from pulling back through.

Repeat for the Border Strand.

Congratulations on Finishing the Dragon Claw Bracelet.
