Dracula Does the Weather
With Halloween just around the corner, a pop up Dracula came to mind for my projects using pine scales well soaked in salt water. I had a large one that really responded well to changes in humidity, so with tongue depressors in hand I set out to build his coffin first. What did one casket say to the other?... Is that you coffin? See my previous Instructable on the Robot Weather Toy.
Form the Top of the Casket
This is an image of Vlad Dracula that I wanted to shoot for in a comical way, even though the original was not funny
Forming the Casket Lid
Using 2 tongue depressors for the whole top of the coffin, I found that if I cut one diagonally (hand saw used) and set the pieces as shown, it was the right angle for a coffin lid. I glued on the brace at the foot, 2 braces where the lid opens, and one at the top. I used craft sticks for the braces.
Lid Nearly Complete
Here all the braces are in place. I sawed between the upper braces to make the lid that will open on hinges.
Ready to Shape the Top
This is how the top will look all glued up and ready for cutting to shape.
Actual Wood Coffin
I found this image of a wood coffin after i had eyeballed my version.
Use the Top to Shape the Sides
I used this top to fit the sides of the coffin.
Form the Sides
Here I am matching the bent sides to the angle of the coffin top.
Mounting the Sides, Cut the Lid Free.
Here the sides have been fitted and glued to braces on the foot and head of the casket. the bottom of the casket is open to allow circulation of air. A friend of mine in Romania said, "You used an American style coffin" It does have an Old West look.
The Rail That Holds Count Dracula
This is a 4.5 inch long rail that holds the Count and the pine scale that moves him.
Stretch Line Holds the Count in Place.
I came up with a way to mount the figure using stretch line (0.5mm) which allows free movement and protects the pine scale from breaking easily under stress.
The Frame for the Count Figure.
Slipping the Little Guy in Place.
Here his jacket has been glued on and dried, the bottom of his jacket is open and you just slip him over the pre-strung pine scale, and the loop top of the line is pulled up over his neck. Plull the free end of the line snug and glue it down.
Glue on His Head.
Here his head must be glued on while he lays flat to make sure he will fit in his coffin. mine fit on the first try.
Sit Him in the Coffin for a Good Fit.
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
What to write on his lid? The inside will say, Dry! I need a drink!
His Arms and Final Fittings.
Here one arm is in place. I want to make him lay down again to see how far the arm will stretch and will the lid close. A softer looser hinge may be needed.
Well, I'm Waiting for the Rain!
A close up view of the bad little count. He wants his other arm too.