Downhill Wooden Vehicle

by ivver in Workshop > Woodworking

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Downhill Wooden Vehicle


Hi everyone!

In this instructable I'll show you one of my vehicles which I made. I made this one about 5 years ago (then I was 13), back then I had some old Samsung phone (and a lot of Oak planks) with which I took those pictures and video, too bad that I only have 2 pictures, but, I have video too, I post it on the bottom of instructable. :)

I also found some sketches for that so that I could draw it in CAD ( Solidworks).

Wood which I used is Oak, other materials are screws for wood, file, drill, sand paper, wheels .

Just Different View Angles


Everything is drew by scale M1:1.

This construction could hold 130 Kg with no problem (tested) and center of gravity is on back wheels so actually you were doing drift in every curvature.

One relative important thing, put some grease between mowing parts (steering wheel) because I didn't use bearings, and they were not needed.



I also put all that in PDF because screenshots aren't so clear.

Final Words


So, I'm sorry because lack of original pictures, but I think that CAD drawings are pretty clear. All CAD parts which I drew are on the bottom.
And here is the video:

And, if you are wondering where the brakes are, well, nowhere, shoes eventually if needed, but main brake was neighbor's yard as you can see in the video. :)

And that would be it. If you like this little project, feel free to vote, and if you have some other questions or something, feel free to comment. :D